Sunday, December 26, 2021

Finishing out the year

I think I might be able to fill this last week of 2021 with posts about Christmas. I hope everyone enjoyed their day yesterday. I'm back to work this morning.

Yesterday morning Gibbs and I started with opening the presents I wrapped for the two of us. He was a very lucky dog. He got a new bed, 5 new toys, 3 bags of treats and a lick mat. I spread a little peanut butter on it for him and he really enjoyed it. It kept him busy for quite a while. Now I need to think of other things I can spread on it for him.

I'll blog about Christmas eve and the gifts I got myself on another day. I will tell you one thing I got though. It's the best gift I could have given myself. As you may know I started a weight loss journey on September 1. When I weighed myself on Christmas morning I finally dropped down to the healthy weight range. I'm still a ways off from my ideal weight but I am no longer considered over weight.  


Ginny Hartzler said...

Hurrah for you!!! It is not easy! gibbs IS indeed very lucky. Very nice bed. And I have never heard of a Lick Mat; what a cool idea! It will be fun trying different things and finding his favorite.

Jeanette said...

Oh wow! Gibbs made out better than anyone I know! I've never heard of a lick mat before but it's pretty cool! Congratulations on your weight loss! Best gift you can ever give yourself!

The Feminine Energy said...

Congratulations on your weight loss, Ann! That's a grand accomplishment. You never looked "overweight" in any of the pictures you've posted of yourself but you know best and I trust you when you say you're at a better weight now. Awwww.... look at sweet Gibbs! Indeed he must have been a good boy all year long. Santa remembered him well when he came. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, Santa was good to Gibbs! Skye had a lick mat and loved it. Way to go on your healthy weight range.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Lucky dog...

How wonderful, about your weight!!!!!!!!!

Wondering what you were doing... Hope it has been something, you can do for life, to keep it off.

Super Gift to Yourself! Yesssssssssssssssssssssss!

Happy Boxing Day!

🌲 ⛄ 🌲 ⛄ 🌲 ⛄ 🌲 ⛄ 🌲

Rose said...

Congratulations on the weight loss!

Gibbs is such a lucky little fellow. and so cute.

Lin said...

Okay...what is your secret?! I am in need of getting a lot of weight 20 pounds. I'm ready!

I'm glad you and Gibbs had a nice Christmas. Ours was quiet too. Well, as quiet as 4 people and 4 cats in one house can be.

Pam said...

Awesome on the weight. Gibbs looks what is this all about?

Connie said...

I am amazed that you are still loosing weight during the holidays and while working in a bakery. You're my new hero.

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for you being in a healthy weight range! 👏👍 I love the idea of the lick mat, and Gibbs looks so handsome.

Donna said...

Congratulations on the weight loss! My journey begins again today!
A lick mat??? I need one for my Libby! Thanks for the heads up... Sweet Gibbs! He's gorgeous...

CrystalChick said...

Congrats on getting to your ideal weight!
Gibbs made out very well. Sweet boy!

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