Friday, June 14, 2024

Extending my life.

 Recently Jean did a post on her blog entitled Hurray for Doodling. She posted the following from an article she read.

Most people don’t pick up a coloring book, paintbrush, poetry collection or museum membership for the health benefits — but maybe it’s time to start.

Research shows that art experiences, whether as a maker or a beholder, transform our biology by rewiring our brains and triggering the release of neurochemicals, hormones and endorphins.
Do this once a month and extend your life by up to 10 years. No gym required

So here is my most recent efforts to extend my life. I apologize for overloading this post but lately I find myself with an abundance of blog material and I've got lots of posts scheduled in advance.

These are not in order of  when they were drawn.

I have to say that I think this cat looks a bit sinister.

This one may be my current favorite.

Not a favorite.

This cat looks a bit more friendly than the other one

Who doesn't love trees.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, I love them all! I think my favorite is the one with the sun. And I love how you created so many different kinds of trees, each one not like the others. I really like the teal & green geometric one too.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love them too! Thank you, I'm going to save them in the hopes they encourage me to doodle too. ❤️

Rose said...

Oh, my, goodness... I love all of these!...

Lori said...

I love them all!! I'm working on setting my craft room up again so I can get back to doing a few things. I do have a number of adult coloring books that I pull out from time to time and I can always feel my body relax even after just a few minutes.
Happy Friday my Friend!!

MadSnapper said...

Trees, sinister cat and the SUN are in order of how much I love these.. I love all of them, but if I were giving metals, gold, silver and bronze to the top 3.. now I MIGHT rise to this challenge.

Pam said...

Do you feel like you added ten should live to be 1000 with all my art I have done. lol

Katerinas Blog said...

Very nice works Ann!
I like all of them but especially the last one with the different types of trees!

HappyK said...

Great artwork. I can't draw but I do like to color.

Jeanette said...

Great doodles! I agree the first cat does look a bit sinister!

Ida said...

These are all wonderful. I like both cats but yes the first one looks as if it's plotting something.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are really good ones. I love them. I guess I better find something to do to extend my life!

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