Sunday, June 9, 2024

Peonies in bloom

 The peonies have bloomed. By the time you read this, they will have more than likely be done. As in true fashion, the day after they were in full bloom, we got a rain that made most of them lose their petals. They're always pretty while they last though.

For some reason, blogger wouldn't let me enlarge this second picture. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

They are beautiful. I love the tiny bit of pink of pink edging in the center!! It doesn't matter that you could not make the pics bigger. I have a touchscreen, and I made them huge!!

CheerfulMonk said...

They're beautiful. Our plants are still alive and look happy, but no flowers yet. Andy can never remember the name so he calls them "ant flowers". 😊 ❤️

Katerinas Blog said...

Beautiful peonies!!
Let's enjoy them before the rain spoils them,
after all, nothing lasts forever!
Have a beautiful Sunday!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so pretty, and I hope that rain comes here... blogger has been giving me hiccups, some while reading, some while refusing to upload photos when it just uploaded fine 2 minutes ago, lots of strange things happening.

Lori said...

Such a beautiful flower.

HappyK said...

Such a pretty flower. Quite a few people have them in their gardens around here.

Pam said...

I was given a couple of starters, and when I planted them, I tried to keep them watered, but they did not make it.

Lin said...

Oh, the fragrance of peonies in bloom! I hope you are taking some cuttings into the house to enjoy.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are lovely. Enjoy them while you can.

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