Saturday, June 22, 2024

Just two cakes.

 Just a couple cakes that I've done recently at work.

This first one I'm not even sure if I did it right. The person who took the order left very confusing instructions. It was supposed to be red white and blue but when I have to mix red myself it never gets red enough. I've been trying to get the premixed red but the warehouse has been out of stock.

Any way, the guy who this cake is for, his mother used to order one for him every year. Ever since she passed away he orders his own. I don't know if he has a birthday party for himself or not but he does like his cake. He almost always has detailed instructions for what he wants. Unfortunately I didn't get to take his order this time around.

This one is nothing fancy. Just an easy peasy cake.


Katerinas Blog said...

Very nice cakes Ann!
For my birthday I would love the second one!!
Have a nice weekend!

CheerfulMonk said...

I always love to see your cakes. They're so beautiful and I laugh to remember the ones I used to decorate. ๐Ÿ˜Š

CheerfulMonk said...

I love to look at your cakes. And I laugh when I remember the ones I used to decorate. ๐Ÿ˜Š

MadSnapper said...

I actually like the light red better on a cake, hope he did too.. kind of sad the think of him ordering his own cake. My mother never ordered a cake in her whole life, but she did make one for each of us including my brothers wife. she bought those little tubes of writing icing and used those little hard sugar thingys that came on a sheet of waxed paper..

Rose said...

Both are beautiful...I love Richie's .

Lori said...

They both are very pretty. You always do a great job. Sad to think of someone ordering their own cake isn't it?

Ginny Hartzler said...

These cakes are good examples of ones so different from each other. The first one is fun and a bit wild. The next one is very straightlaced and traditional, not a thing out of place.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The cakes both look great. You are so talented.

HappyK said...

NICE looking cakes. I'd love to have a piece of each one. :)

Pam said...

nice job

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