Thursday, February 7, 2013

Eye strain

My eyes were giving me the order to power down the computer. Between the computer, my phone and my kindle I think it's just been a bit too much for them.
Hopefully in a day or two they will decide to be a little nicer to me.
For now you can hang out on the back of the couch with Duke and watch over his world with him


Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks like a comfy place to be. I heard on the news if you are reading on computerized gadgets a lot, your eyes dry out and you need moisturizing drops. It is because we do not blink as much on computers. Hope they feel better soon!

Pat said...

Everything needs a rest at some point, even eyes from screen :)
Enjoy the break xx

bichonpawz said...

I find myself using lots and lots of moisturizing drops these days...I'm not going to say whether it's from age or not...

Love watching Duke!!

Unknown said...

Yep, seeing certain sites too often will cause your eyes to start bugging out.

Unknown said...

It's good to give the eyes a rest from time to time. Enjoy your Day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i see his bow matches his throw on the sofa, and he has perfect balance in addition to being so darn cute. my eyes do the same thing, over use and needing to rest. might i say to you and myself that housework does not strain the eyes???

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! My mom needs glasses too and she's in denial. You should how big the font size in her computer and iphone ... (HUGE)! Sewing too makes it harder. Hope you are taking care of it. I heard more SNOW in your area, for sure DUKE will LOVE it. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Hope those eyes are rested up by now ... by the way can you send me some of that snow for Julep and Derby to play in?

Keep warm,

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Hope those eyes are rested up by now ... by the way can you send me some of that snow for Julep and Derby to play in?

Keep warm,

Christine said...

I bet Duke has the best seat in the house with a great view!
Hope your eyes don't give you any more trouble but I know too much time staring at this screen isn't helping mine!

Jackie said...

I must say Duke has a great view. It also looks like a great day to grab a nice soft quilt and cuddle up.

Enjoy your day off!

Anonymous said...

And that's why I switched back to a desk top - eye strain, back strain from hunching over...bottle of eye drops always at hand...then of course there is that thing called ...getting older...

Sandee said...

Rest those eyes. I hate it when that happens.

I does look like you have a lot of snow to check out with Duke. He's just the most handsome mandog.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. ☺

Out on the prairie said...

Duke is keeping track of everything for you.Have you seen the amber glasses for working on screens?

Unknown said...

Thursday, February 7th, 2013
Dear Sweet Ann,
Lovely shot of Duke.
As my absolute best commenter, I felt obliged to tell you that my dearest feline-child, Sara Cat, passed away yesterday. She was my special four-legged friend for nearly thirteen years.
Best wishes,
P.S. The funeral is tomorrow. My ex-husband is going to use a pike-ax to break the frozen ground in order to bury her.
The children will attend. But I will remain here at home to tend to the four cats we still have.

Rose Clearfield said...

Rest up and enjoy your time with Duke! I'm sure that he won't mind. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Take care of those eyes, Ann. You don't ever want to have major problems with them.. As someone else said, just enjoy some time with Duke---watching the world go by...


Lin said...

I like to rest them every day after work by checking out the back of my eyelids for 45 mins or so. If anyone says anything about it, I just tell them that I am "resting my eyes" and then they all shut up. Maybe you should try my technique!

Get better, you eyeballs!

Marie said...

Rest those eyes! Duke is on the look out for whatever. :) What a gorgeous view he has!

Dee said...

I often wonder how the little dogs and kitty's often view the they see it as we do? I have heard cats see everything differently. My eye's get dried out easily when on the computer to long...the only cure is take a break :)

Tanya. said...

It's often good to take a break...probably not for quite so long as I have been doing of late though....I do always get around to catching up with you though!!

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