Friday, February 22, 2013

When you are dreaming of spring

What is a girl to do when she's dreaming of spring but stuck in winter? Well the resourceful ones make their own flowers.

I present to you the Pennsylvania snow flower

If you are having trouble seeing the flower here's a colored version thanks to the help of photoshop

I probably looked a little silly outside making all those foot prints but I don't care. I wanted flowers.


Duni said...

haha, very CUTE!

Hootin Anni said...

...come on down to my are popping up and beginning to bloom. But, when YOU are having the ultimate flowers of Spring and Summer, mine will be wilting in the heat.

Love the snowflower Ann. You know how to make the best of things. Me? If there is just a dusting of snow, I'd go into winter hibernation and not come out 'til June.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this looks a lot like my holly hocks.. your artist ability is showing. maybe you could get Master Duke to pee in a flower form...pee art...

Christine said...

Full marks foe creativity! Pretty flowers!

Unknown said...

Did Duke color the center for you? (Get it? Yellow snow? Oh yeah, I've still got it!)

Donna said...

How cute! I can just picture you twirling around in a tight circle, LOL, and your neighbors shaking their heads. I hope you go buy yourself some flowers at the store as a special treat!

Remington said...

Awesome! You are so creative! How do you come up with all of these cool ideas?

Anonymous said...

You're very creative and novel mind makes art out of anything...You just can't stop...

marie said...

Very fun! You are so creative!

Sandee said...

I think it's great. Pretty too. I'm glad you got your flower in the back in of winter. Spring will show up before you know it. I'm hoping anyway.

Have a terrific day and weekend. My best to Duke. ☺

Jille said...

As always with my slow internet connection I get the writing before the pictures. I was wondering where you were going with the coloured snow...

Chatty Crone said...

Okay that was precious - you are so creative.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! it's very CUTE and creative of you. Happy Friday n Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Out on the prairie said...

I made a snow angel while out sledding today, I needed a rest badly. I will share some flowers with many while at work today.

Marie said...

Very cute! I'm cracking up at Sandra's comment!!!!!!!!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how cute... Love your Snow Flower. I've never seen one before. I LOVE it.


Helen said...

you are one creative gal! I was wondering how you did it.

Catherine said...

xo Catherine

Sharkbytes said...

You made me smile. And I saw the white one easily.

Dee said...

Looks like you have a case of Spring fever.....:)

Donna said...

The Things we do for a snapshot...Hahaaaaa...Love this!!

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