Thursday, February 21, 2013


We got a bum deal with the weather report. More snow.

Aside from the stinky weather our internet has been acting up. It's been in and out a lot for some reason. We just have to take our chance that it's up when we want it.

I read what Duke wrote in his post yesterday. Sure sounds like someone is on a bit of a power trip. He's lucky that I'm trying to keep this short in case my connection goes out again otherwise I would have to do a little ranting here.


Duni said...

It started snowing again here as well...
Hope you don't lose power! take care!

Marg said...

Well that stinks that the internet goes in and out. My DSL will go off every now and then and it is a huge pain. Hope it starts behaving itself and Mr. Duke, you had better watch that cute mouth of yours. Take care.

Hootin Anni said...

Be careful...Duke's power trip just may backfire on you if you post a rant here soon. Hope the power/internet connection works better. Oh, and Yahtze?!!! I haven't played that in years. The kids and I use to love this game.

Weather...ewww...snow. It's cloudy here, but at least no snow and nearing 70 degrees by afternoon. That's OUR winter.

Unknown said...

If it makes you feel any better, we are supposed to get seriously dumped on this round, which is scheduled to begin in earnest in an hour or so--for real. Hopefully, the up to a half of an inch of ice will be more in the form of snow and sleet.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

how about one short rant per day... LOL and i see you have non electric user games to keep you busy...

Remington said...

We are suppose to get snow today too....I am watching out the window....I can't wait! SNOW FOOTBALL!

Anonymous said...

We just keep getting "small" systems running through the region...I'm guessing you called the internet provider? Checked your router? Or maybe it's just the weather...? Spring will be here soon...

Sandee said...

We have fiber optics now and it's wonderful. Don't have connection issues anymore. We sure had plenty in the past. I remember one storm it took out our internet for an entire week.

Yes, Duke was pretty opinionated yesterday. Bless his heart.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. ☺

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Duke is right, Ann... With his face in any picture, that makes it FABULOUS... You can't rant about that!!!

Sorry about your weather and about your internet... Is it the weather causing internet problems????

Hang in there.

Donna said...

Right now its 64 here...been rainy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

My report is worse!!! All day tomorrow sleet and freezing rain!

marie said...

Poker and yahtzee...sounds like you're having fun in spite of the weather! Sure wish we'd get just a little bit of snow......


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! SNOW is coming here soon. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Rose Clearfield said...

I'm with you on the snow. Enough already! I hope that your Internet improves soon.

BeadedTail said...

No snow here but plenty of clouds and some rain. Yuck.

Marie said...

High in the 70's here Friday. Sorry about all your snow!
We love yahtzee! :)

Sharkbytes said...

Our deal here has been quite a lot of snow! Stay warm.

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