Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Westie Wednesday

Today is Duke day which I know you all love.
We had more snow last night and the internet connection kept coming and going. Mom was able to read posts in her reader but finally gave up on trying to leave any comments.

I sent her off to do some of her photoshop magic on a picture she took of me the other day.

I sure wish she would learn how to use that camera of her instead of just sitting there snapping away at anything and everything.

But even though I think she takes some pretty crappy pictures I will admit that she does some interesting things to them when she plays in photoshop. Dad never likes them because he's an original picture kind of guy. I feel a bit sorry for the old gal though so I tell her how good they are. She may be old but that doesn't mean I can't encourage her to do what she enjoys, right?

Any way here are the pictures she did.

Now you have to admit that as long as my adorable face is in the picture you really can't go wrong.

I hope you all have a great day and remember we're half way to the weekend.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I think I might agree with dad. I like the first one best!

Unknown said...

Great pictures Duke ^_^ and you're right, we're half way to the weekend. I like your positive attitude.

bichonpawz said...

Since I totally love playing around with all of my photo apps...I just love all the work you do in photoshop! In fact, I admire your ability to actually USE and understand photoshop...I think it is confusing!! AWESOME pics of Duke...all of them!

Duni said...

Hi Duke! You look very handsome today :)

Hootin Anni said...

Happy Duke Day dear Westie!!!!! No matter how much work she does on Photoshop with your handsome face, you are tops. [I like the last one she did better]....but I think I'd be like your Dad, the original is always the best.

More snow? Ewwwww.

Catherine said...

They all look picture perfect to me sweet Duke!
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

Yes, my dear Duke, you have indeed been a great friend to the old gal. It is shame that she is still so stingy with your treats.

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice Duke

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Duke, you stole my comment... i was about to say as long as you are in the pic she cant go wrong.. i like all three. and there are even bloggers out there that are orginal photo types... but those of us who love playing in PS and other software, LOVE what your mom does and in fact i try to copy what she does.

Donna said...

Duke, I think you are a lucky little guy to have such a wonderful Mom who gives you treats and wants to take your photo all the time. And she's pretty creative too!

marie said...

Oh're right! If your in them than the picture is awesome!

I think your mom takes great photos by the way!!

marie said...

Oh're right! If your in them than the picture is awesome!

But, I think your mom takes great photos...even if you're not in them!!

Molly Smith said...

Happy Duke Day to all! Sending you some warm sunshine, Ann! :o)

Donna said...

You're such a Handsome dude!

Sandee said...

If you are in the picture they are always great Duke. Your mom just enjoys doing this like you enjoy your treats. It's a good trade off don't you think? I thought so too.

Have a woof woof day Duke. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

Christine said...

You're right - Duke is worth taking pictures of! Very sophisticated looking!

Helen said...

How handsome you look Duke! love the original one but the other two version are just as nice.

BeadedTail said...

Any picture of you is adorable Duke but it is nearly impossible to improve on the original of you! :)

Dee said...

wait till she colors your hair a different could happen :)

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Of course we can't miss a DUKE post. We are a bit late today. The 2nd photoshop is interesting, his eyes pops out. LOVE that Duke is wearing mom's collar. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Marie said...

You're adorable in any photo! Hugs to you, Duke!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Westie Wednesday Yesterday - now that is a lot to say. Duke my friend - you are right - as long as you are in the photo - the photo is good. Tell your mom to give you a treat for being a model.
Your friend, Disco

Reeni said...

I like all your Mom's pictures Duke! Especially the ones you're in!

Sharkbytes said...

You look very distinguished there, Duke. Mom did a great job.

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