Monday, February 18, 2013

Meet my other friends Monday

Welcome to this weeks addition of Meet my other friends Monday. The friends that are featured in this post appear in no particular order. I've started with bloggers who have visible email addresses. Once I work through those I will begin contacting others through the comment section on your blog. You could be next

Today we'll be visiting with Marg from Marg's Animals. I can't recall how I found her blog or if she found me but I do know that it's always a pleasure to stop by there and visit with the wonderful fur babies that call her mom (or the person in some cases).

So lets just turn it over to Marg.

1. How long have you been blogging and what made you start?
I have been blogging for four years now and originally started because I had made a website made to help sell some products and the people that helped me design the website, told me to start a blog. So I did and have loved every minute of it. It is now my entertainment and I have made so many wonderful friends all over the world.

2. What is one piece of advice that you would give to new bloggers.
The main thing is to write as often as you have time to and also do lots of visiting other blogs. It takes time but it is a ton of fun learning all about other people and their lives.

3. Do you have any hobbies or special talents?
My favorite thing is helping animals and so I have way too many but I just can't turn them away. My specialty at the moment is cats and in my younger days it was horses. I have always been interested in animals. I love to help animals find homes as much as I can.

4. Of course you love all the blogs you visit but share a link to one of those and tell us why we should check it out.
I have so many favorite blogs, I sure can't pick one out. Everybody else's feelings would be hurt. They all have something special, like some are funny, some are very educational, and some are just plain fun.

5. What is the one things that totally makes you crazy?
People that move away and just leave their animals. My neighbor moved away and left their two old cats. It was so sad. One of the cats wouldn't move off the porch and just sat there waiting for his people to come home.

6. Give one random thought.
Please please spay and neuter your pets. Guess that isn't random, but it is the best I can come up with at the moment. Another random thought, is Have a fun day.


Duni said...

Wonderful to read more about you, Marg! I love seeing all your fur babies and can't thank you enough for helping them!
I abhor all cruelty to animals. I can't grasp how people can leave their pets when they move.

Jen said...

I love the Monday Meet posts :o) I haven't visited Marg for awhile now; I have trouble keeping up with everything I want to read and don't do so well if there's no "follow" thingamajig (aren't you impressed by my technical jargon? *laugh*)

I found Marg's blog through Entrecard; same place I found yours, I think.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my goodness...Marg's answer to #5 just sent chills up and down my spine.

Hootin Anni said...

ps...regarding your previous post....I think ALL printers are the pits. I've never been satisfied with quality of print on some, lack of customer service with others, just all out disgusted with ANY of them. My last one has been packed away for months now [in a closet] and if I want something printed out, I go to Office Depot. 8 cents a page, cheaper in the long run, and far less stressful. LOL

Marg said...

Thanks much Ann for doing this interview for our Person. She does take good care of us and we sure have a pretty good life here.
Hope all have a great day.

Pat said...

Always pleased to go visit another animal lover xx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i popped over to see here kitties and she has some pretty ones... and her random thought is on my mind a lot... so many animals are being killed just because people don't spay/neuter.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, Nice post today. It's great to meet other bloggers and find out more about them. Thanks for sharing about Marg...

It is sad when people move and leave their pets behind... GADS!


Sandee said...

I love Marg and all her babies. Yes I do.

Have a terrific day Ann. My best to Duke. ☺ said...

I always enjoy visiting Marg's blog and getting to know her many furfriends. She has a very big heart!


Out on the prairie said...

I and Duke was hoping you weren't having cats over.Mine at the farm love a good box to play with and often jump in before it is unpacked.

Marie said...

I know she's an awesome woman because she has a Big heart for animals. That says a lot about a person. I'll definitely be visiting her today. :)

Hope your Monday is fabulous!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Wow! I love Marg! She sounds like a girl after my own heart. Anyone who devotes their time to helping animals is at the top of my list. I work with animals and humane societies and unfortunately what she talks about is going on a lot more than people think.

Marg, keep up the good work! It's people like you that make a real difference and gives a voice to those who don't have one. You are an angel in my eyes.

Dee said...

Blessings to you Marge.:)

BeadedTail said...

We love Marg and all her critters! Her random thought is right on and what makes her crazy, makes us crazy too. We absolutely hate when people do that!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Nice to meet her and those furry critters!!!...:)JP

Reeni said...

It was fun to meet a fellow animal lover! Those poor kitties that were left behind. I don't know how people can be so cruel.

Catherine said...

Marg does terrific work over at her blog. I love visiting with all those sweet animals!
xo Catherine

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