Monday, February 4, 2013

Meet my other friends Monday

Welcome to this weeks addition of Meet my other friends Monday. The friends that are featured in this post appear in no particular order. I've started with those bloggers who have visible email addresses. Once I work through all of those then I'll start contacting others through the comment section. You could be next

This week we are visiting with Ginny from Let your light shine. I met Ginny through Sandra's blog Mad Snapper. What a treat her blog is too. She finds the most interesting things to share. Her blog header states "how I see God in my everyday life" and I always find it quite amazing how she can connect a bible phrase with the simplest of things. She also shares her sweet granddaughter and other family members from time to time. Lets just turn this over to Ginny now because I know you'll love her.

1. How long have you been blogging and what made you start?
4 years. I wanted something to actually DO something with all my photos, and also it is somewhat of a journal.
2. What is one piece of advice that you would give to new bloggers.
Include photos if possible and keep it as short as you can...always read over and edit. Many of us have dozens of blogs to read and do not have time to read blogs that are very long. At best we can only skim them.
3. Do you have any hobbies or special talents?
I love to photograph, and I seem to be good at supporting and uplifting others. I also manage our church prayer line...I have always been good at communications and information.
4. Of course you love all the blogs you visit but share a link to one of those and tell us why we should check it out.
No, I just cannot single out any one blog, I hate making the others not feel special!!
5. What is the one things that totally makes you crazy?
People who won’t follow up on what they have said they will do. They tell you they will do something and then they never do.
6. Give one random thought.
I am so blessed, and thankful for so many things, including my blogging friends!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have always thought this is such a good idea, and thank you for featuring me today. However, I do sound like a bit of a dolt compared to the others!

bichonpawz said...

Excellent idea! Sounds like a wonderful blog!

Duni said...

Nice to meet Ginny! I agree, I keep my posts fairly short. Occasionally there is a longer post, but I keep those to a minimum. Great photo!

Hootin Anni said...

Excellent...I have followed Ginny for a few years, she is an inspiration.

Jackie said...

I was hoping it was this Ginny. I see her leaving comments at the same blog I do but have never tracked her down!

I will head right over for a visit and get her added to my blog roll!

Thanks Ann. I hope you have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are most definitely not a dolt, your answers are YOU and that is why we love you and follow you. this is fun Ann... and i agree with all she said, but for one thing, i simply have a big problem making my blog short. i write like i talk and i talk a lot... but i am trying.

Chatty Crone said...

I love Ginny - she is a great gal.

Sandee said...

I love her random thought the very, very best.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. ☺

Helen said...

I can so related to Ginny. Must check her out.

Dee said...

I am going to go over and visit Ginny right now....

Rose Clearfield said...

"How I see God in my everyday life"...I love it! Who can't take something away from that? I really admire people who can pair Bible verses with everyday happenings in their lives.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ann, now you know things in my life cannot be short...but they are gifts from GOD!!!...:)JP

BeadedTail said...

I enjoyed meeting Ginny and agree with her advice too. Short and sweet is nice sometimes!

Marie said...

I already follow Ginny and love her!

S. Etole said...

Ginny finds the most interesting things to share with us and her light shines beautifully.

Reeni said...

It was great meeting Ginny! She gives good advice!

Lin said...

Hi Ginny!

I agree--you have to write quick posts with photos. It's so hard to catch up with everyone and I hate to miss out!

Sharkbytes said...

I'm off to visit!

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