Saturday, February 23, 2013

Remote possibility

Wouldn't it be nice if you had a remote control for life? You could fast forward through the week and pause on the weekend. You could turn down the volume on all those annoying people you really don't want to listen to. On those days when things aren't going so well you could hit the back button and start it over again. Better yet you could skip forward.
Well since that's never going to happen I guess we'll just have to make the most of where we are when we're there. I've got lots of things I want to try and get done before this weekend is over with so I better get to it.


marie said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a life remote!!!

Love this....."make the most of where we are when we're there".

It ranks right up there with "it is what it is, and it isn't what it isn't".

Marg said...

That is my philosophy, appreciate what you have while you have it. Just plain, enjoy life. Take care Ann.

Unknown said...

All of this is assuming that you would be able to find the remote when you need it--right?

Jen said...

Pretty sure Jerry's got an excellent point; sometimes the remote's even worse than the car keys and the eyeglasses with that mysterious POOF factor. *laugh*
Not so sure about that fast forward button either; I'd be afraid I'd get carried away by frustration with my 40's and suddenly find myself in my 90's (and ack!)

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwww, yes, the mute button. Maybe not so on shutting off the volume of people....but traffic!!! That would definitely be a good thing in the car then.

Fast forward? Nah...time goes by all too quickly anyway. At least for me. I like to stop and look at the at all the NAKED in the store [wink]

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yes yes yes.. I want a life remote.. mute would be my favorite button, rewind and fast forward.. woo hoo what an idea.

Helen said...

won't that be nice!

Lin said...

Hmmmm, that's an interesting thought. I wonder what button I would use most often? I'm guessing the volume down or the mute. Fast-forward for work and pause for weekends. or how about switching the channel when you have something you don't want to do??

Oh, you've got me thinking, Ann!

Sandee said...

Excellent idea Ann. Too bad we can't all do this.

Have a terrific day and weekend. My best to Duke. ☺

Ginny Hartzler said...

It's nice to daydream, I bet it kind of relaxes the brain.

Anonymous said...

I think the consensus of opinion here is that definitely we would all like a mute button!

Donna said...

Oh yes, I am so there! I know that I have a special built-in mute button for my husband. His lips are moving but I hear no sound! hahahahaha.............

BeadedTail said...

I'd certainly mute my boss and fast forward my work week! Hope you enjoy your weekend! Tomorrow is the Daytona 500! :)

Anonymous said...

I've seen enough of the movie "Click" to know that a life remote is NOT a good idea. lol

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HA... That would be great... I sometimes need one --when I'm going 7 directions all at the same time...

Just push my button and I go!!!! ha ha


Catherine said...

Have you seen the movie "Click" with Adam Sandler? We better not wish for a remote control. ;)
xo Catherine

jp@A Green Ridge said...

No remote controls for my life....I love spontaneity!...:)JP

Sharkbytes said...

Lots of folks try to lead their lives as if it did have a remote!

Dee said...

I would only mess things up...

Chatty Crone said...

What a good thought - sometimes I wish I could redo and sometimes I wish I could speed forward and get out of!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Sounds great! That would be so nice. If you ever come across one, let me know because I want one too.

Marie said...

A remote for life would be cool! Especially during these teen years! :)

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