Friday, September 1, 2017

Back to school

Tuesday was the first day back to school around here. There were a lot of happy mothers that day. Me, it doesn't make much difference any more. I did enjoy the first two days of school though since I managed to avoid all the buses. I guess they were running a little behind.
Yesterday they were back on schedule and now I remember how much I hate getting stuck behind one.

Back in the day, our entire neighborhood met at one end of the block and that's where they picked all of us up and dropped all of us off at the end of the day. Now they will stop at the end of each and every driveway even if it is 3 or 4 houses right in a row. It makes me crazy.

On a side note, where did August go? I can't believe it's already September 1st.


Ginny Hartzler said...

And the sun is starting to set earlier, too!! Yes, it is a drag getting stuck behind one of these. Seems whenever we go out, school had just let out.

bichonpawz said...

Oh, I remember those days very well...I would always get behind a bus when I was running LATE for work already! It is amazing here at the soon as the last day of August hits...the temps are in the 40's right now! I had to wear a coat tonight. I don't know where the whole summer went!

crafty cat corner said...

I wish they would adopt that idea here. On school days the roads are chocca block with cars taking the kids to school, it would make things easier if they all took a bus.

Rick (Ratty) said...

The summer really did seem to go by fast. When I was a kid, even though I hated it on the surface, I really did enjoy the interesting times of going back to school.

Out on the prairie said...

You must have a lot of kids around.Living rural there is a shorter time they run

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just answered a text from my SIL on my phone and saw Sept 1 and said to bob What? were is August? I did my time in school traffic on the way to TOPS yesterday, FOUR school zones in 3 miles... I only have to go 3 miles but with school in and rush hour at 8:10 it is not fun...

Sandee said...

I hate following the school buses too. Pain in the rear.

I do remember the quiet time when school started again. I did like that.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

I thought August was just a tad longer than usual - but September 1st - no big deal, just another day of another month...

Tanya. said...

I understand your frustration on the school bus but I do love the idea. In the UK we don't have the school buses and so we just have traffic jams all over when it's school time.
I do think they should go back to one stop per street though...never did us any harm to walk and wait!

Lin said...

I am surprised that they make those personalized stops. My kids' drivers always told me that they are not allowed to do that for liability purposes. I guess they have no liability if they drop them off at the designated corners only??? I don't know why.

I always hate getting behind those buses! It's maddening!

Anonymous said...

Kids began here on Wednesday & all the parents were parked all along the road...both sides...I did see one of the property owners near the school heading in hopefully to tell the school that parents should not be allowed to park on his lawn!!! I know the Pres would not be a happy camper!!!...:)JP

BeadedTail said...

School starts here next week but since I work from home, I don't get caught behind school busses just slow Torties. :)

Ida said...

Summer went by quicker then I thought it would. - I don't mind being behind a school bus but it aggravates me when people picking their kids up from school park in the middle of the road to wait for their kid to get in the car instead of finding a parking space like the rest of us do.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

The kids here in Maryland don't start to after Labor Day - I think this is the first time they have gone back to this schedule in 18 years. Have a nice Labor Day - and hope you don't have to work.

Unknown said...

School here in Springfield (MO) started two weeks ago. Arlynda and I could not believe it. We mostly started school right after Labor Day, and it ended the first week or so of May instead of the end of May/first of June like it does these days. We did not get a spring break, however. Just the week of Christmas and New Year's.

Pam said...

August totally flew by! Since retirement the days, weeks and months just seem to be gone before i know it...but then again, with it gone we are closer to Fall! Yay...Our kids start back to school the first of August. I can remember when we used to start at the first of Sept though. But our kids get out in May.

Reeni said...

We had to walk to the end of our street too and it was a long road! :) Happy Weekend!

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