Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Last of the parade

I have lots more pictures but I'm making this the last day for parade pictures then I'll move on to something else.

Since this is a very small town we don't have the great big elaborate floats. Around here they are hay wagons that either just have a sign hanging on the side of them or in some cases they are decorated up with a nice little setting.

Aside from that in our parade you'll see...

Marching bands

Tractors of all sizes

Monster trucks. In these parts it's become a big thing to take these out muddin'. Don't ask me to explain muddin' other than you go out run your truck through mud and get it really dirty.

And last but not least we have horses. Normally the horses are somewhere in the middle of the parade and then being that horses leave calling cards, those behind them have to be careful where they step. They finally got smart and the horses were at the end of the parade.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This looks like a parade here! Lots of hay, tractors, Monster Trucks, and always the local ambulance. Very cute cowgirl in pink! I love the trees in your pictures, too!

Unknown said...

If the organizers had the horses lead off, the participants in the parade would have something to chunk at those in the crowd who dared to say something derogatory as they passed by. Horse biscuit fights were a lot of fun when I was a kid.

bichonpawz said...

Looks like many of the parades in the small town we live in during the summer! I absolutely love your definition of Muddin' :)

I have always enjoyed parades and they remind me of my mom. Even after she had Alzheimer's ... she always loved her parades. She loved to clap along with the marching bands. Good memories...

Hootin Anni said...

Looks like a down-home country parade. Where everybody knows their names. LOVED the photo of Duke on his hind legs in the previous post and the clowning around on the street....playing catch-up with you this morning...

Enjoy the rest of your vacation Ann.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

keep the parade coming, we don't have parades like this here, they have one big parade a year, and they have people rolling barrels picking up after the horses. I am loving your pics, I like all those tractors in a row...

Dr Sonia S V said...

OOh I sure enjoyed your post Ann...it's wonderful to see through the eyes of our blogger pals how things are different in different parts of the world...Never seen a monster truck here in India and tough we have an abundance of tractors yours looks really cool. I will keep in mind to share some pictures from my homeland in the coming weeks!Your posts are inspiring Ann!

Out on the prairie said...

Pretty close to all that we have here. There are alwaysa few trailers made into a float, but not many elaborate. I used to be in charge of a homecoming parade for 3 years and had fun being the first person in the parade.

Sandee said...

Having the horses at the end of the parade is a wise idea.

Hubby and I haven't been to a fair in years. No interest at all. It's usually so hot that it's not all that fun and the food is not good for anyone. When you're our age you're not ever supposed to eat fair food. Bugger.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

Ha ha! Good idea about putting the horses last! A few years ago when my husband and I went to Mackinaw Island we were watching the person who's job it was to clean up all the horses calling cards before someone stepped in it!

Ida said...

Small town parades are fun. Loved the tractors.

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