Thursday, December 27, 2018

I survived

I should have done this post yesterday and the comment Lin left on my post yesterday reminded me that I meant to but forgot.

Any way, I survived another first. Christmas eve my daughter, her bofriend, my son, his fiance and Presley came over. It was a short night because my son and his family had to go to her father's house.
We managed to get a family shot before they left.

Christmas day I went to Amanda's boyfriends family's house. They had breakfast in the morning and dinner in the evening. I was invited to both but said I would just be there for the breakfast. I spent a few hours there then came home and the rest of the day was lounging on the couch watching sappy Christmas movies.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a good picture! Presley has grown! And is even waving! You are looking very good!

CheerfulMonk said...

Bless you, and bless sappy movies. Take care.

handmade by amalia said...

Well done, Ann, and a big hug.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the family portrait! And the smiles.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Love the photo dear Ann. Firsts are rough and you made it through, bless your heart.

Your family portrait is great! Your two kids look like you.

I love watching sappy movies any time of year, I can't help it.

May you have many blessings come your way in 2019.

Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you survived your First and the family photo is great. Presley looks like she wants the camera. did you dod the wave at the cell phone trick or use a camera. Presley is so cute, love her socks.. the breakfast morning sounds like a lot of wish for you is much happiness in the new year

Kate said...

Well done, you!

Sandee said...

The best part is you survived. Good for you and you got to go out for breakfast.

Have a blessed day my friend. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

You DID IT!! I like that you had your family for a bit, got out for another nice Christmas event, and then had some time to be alone. I think you made really good choices--a little of everything!

This is the worst of it, Ann, and you made it. You survived! And it looks like you had a nice time too in spite of the sadness.

The Feminine Energy said...

You survived, honey, and it sounds like in as pleasant a way as possible. I'm so glad. I was thinking about you on Christmas Day. Love, Andrea xoxo

BeadedTail said...

Glad you had a nice Christmas with your family and was able to spend time alone doing what you wanted too! The firsts are hard but you did survive and even with a smile. Hugs to you!

Grace said...

Glad that everyone gathered round...

Donna said...

Sappy is good...I like sappy...
Hugs to you friend...(((((hug))))

Connie said...

I love sappy Christmas movies, LOL.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm happy to hear that you had company and that you went out on Christmas day!

Ann said...

Thanks. She has grown. She'll be a year next month

Ann said...


Ann said...

It's been a long time since I've gotten a family photo

Ann said...


Ann said...

Yep, and it was a good breakfast too :)

Ann said...

A little bit of everything worked good. I can take things better if they are in small doses

Ann said...

It was, the whole day was much easier than I was expecting

Ann said...

The firsts are hard especially not really knowing what to expect.

Ann said...

Me too

Unknown said...

It was alot of fun having you with us for Christmas! I'm glad you came.

Ann said...

I'm glad I did too. It was fun

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