Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Random thoughts

Woke up early yesterday morning and while I was drinking my first cup of coffee I hoped that the phone would not ring. As much as I like the extra money in my paycheck, I didn't want to get called in to work. I was looking forward to a lazy day.

No call to work so around 8:30 I called my doctors office about something I have been telling myself I should probably call about. They got me in later that same morning. I actually called about a couple things. One is hopefully just an infection that will be cleared up with an antibiotic the other she said we have to play the insurance game. In order for her to get the MRI that would detect whether or not I have a pinched nerve, the insurance requires an x-ray be done which is not capable of detecting a pinched nerve. After I left the doctors office I went to get the x-ray done. If  I were only 30 years younger I would have had to do some flirting with the adorable x-ray technician.

Hard to believe that Christmas is only one week away. Time sure does fly. I've had people asking me what my plans are. Are the kids coming over? Am I going anywhere? My answer is simply "I don't know" I have off Christmas eve and Christmas day and personally I think that 2 days of hibernating and sitting around in my pajamas sounds pretty darn good. I doubt it will work out that way though.

Every year I set out to post every single day for the entire year. I am only 14 posts away from reaching that goal. I think this is the year I'm finally going to make it.

Now that you have listened to me ramble I will reward you with a Gibbs picture.


The Feminine Energy said...

*haha* I love Gibbs. That face!! :-) Oh... that "insurance game". You *know* how much I love playing that one. NOT! :-/ But I'm all for flirting with cute technicians! :-D Staying in PJs on the 24th & 25th isn't a bad idea at all, honey. You do what you wanna do. I'm guessing Amanda will be over and I'm also guessing that would be perfectly fine with you. Maybe she'll keep her PJs on too. Love, Andrea xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet reward system, using a sweet face like Gibbs...I don't know why everyone we meet asks what are you doing for Christmas, I get tired of hearing it. just like what are your plans for the week end.... I have never asked anyone those two questions because it irritates me when people ask. see the sweet face did nothing for my personality.. ha ha

Lin said...

I hope you at least talked and joked around with the x-ray cutie. I mean, it doesn't have to be a flirt, but it can be some fun with the guy. Why not?

I'm glad you have a couple of days off. I think it is good that you are fluid this Christmas. Just go with the flow and see what happens. I hope you are pleasantly surprised.

Sandee said...

Oh the insurance game. Bless their hearts. At least you have the ball rolling. Hope you get what you need and soon.

We don't do much for Christmas here either. Just fix a calorie filled meal. We don't get many of those anymore

I linked this post to Happy Tuesday. Gibbs made that happen. Look at the handsome face.

Have a fabulous day and week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Pam said...

Morning Gibbs...you are so handsome. Morning Ann, I am going to try to get something done today. I am a tad a head of that now just getting blogs commented on! haha..that has been touch and go for me lately. Two days of laying around in the pjs was nice but then at the end of the day I kick myself for not doing anything. Here is hoping you have good results in working with the insurance company.

BeadedTail said...

Hope the insurance game ends in your favor. At least you got to see a cute x-ray tech and we get to see cute Gibbs! Yay for a couple of days off!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Gibbs looks so adorable and serious! Hope you feel better Ann and enjoy the holidays.
Dr Sonia

Grace said...

We get a little weary of people asking us what we are doing for various holidays, we always feel like we are apologizing for not having any special plans. I do hope you get to see the Baby Princess tho...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Is this one of his favorite spots? I know that you are a very faithful blogger, but EVERY DAY, WOW!!! That is quite a feat. I have taken many days off for surgeries. What are your symptoms, do you have pain a lot of the time? Yes, insurance insists that we start with the cheapest test, whether it is suitable or not. They are now the boss of the doctors.

Terra said...

Posting every day for a year? That is amazing, I had not thought to try that. Having a few cozy days at home sounds delightful.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We all love Gibbs! Enjoy your afternoon!

Out on the prairie said...

age makes no difference to me, I always have a gentle smile for lovely people

Ann said...

Maybe I should suggest to Amanda that we have a pajama Christmas

Ann said...

I did talk to him some but not much. I should have asked him if I could take his picture for the blog...lol

Ann said...

calorie filled food works for me.

Ann said...

I'm pretty sure that if I tried to do nothing but lay around in my pajamas for 2 days I would go out of my mind but it does sound kind of nice.

Ann said...

There's a plus side to everything :)

Ann said...

Thanks. Gibbs does tend to look very serious and a bit grumpy

Ann said...

It does sort of feel like apologizing now that you mention it. I'm not sure if I'll see the baby princess or not. I don't think I'm on their list of favorite people and apparently I made them mad with a comment I left on facebook.

Ann said...

I went for a couple different things. One of which was swollen glands that have lingered a little longer than I thought they should. I can't even tell you how long.
The other is pain in my neck and shoulder which could possibly be a pinched nerve.

Ann said...

Yep, I've gotten close in the past but never quite made it to the full 365 posts.

Ann said...

He appreciates that :)

Ann said...

The gift of a smile is the best

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go on your goal. That's really amazing. I could never post daily. Sorry about that pinched nerve. Glad you didn't have to work. Okay I understand wanting to do nothing but it's Christmas. You need to gather with your family if you can. I know you have been through a lot this year and you may not want to celebrate at all. ((Hugs))

Reeni said...

I can't believe you posted every day! That is amazing! Something to be proud of. Gibbs you're looking a little grumpy maybe a candy cane to cheer you up?! Hope you're feeling better and you can get your MRI.

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