Thursday, December 13, 2018

Selfie fun

My friend Sandra from Mad Snapper posted about taking selfies by using your hand. I had no idea you could do that and she explained how. Of course I had to try it out. Gibbs did not enjoy this little session.

He would look at the phone while I was holding my hand up but would look away once I put my hand down. I tried doing kissy noises to get him to look up and I got caught in the act. The whole time we were doing the pictures in front of the tree he was making a whining/growling noise. I decided it was probably best to stop.


Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwww, preciuos!

crafty cat corner said...

Oh Anne, such lovely pictures of you both, you are looking so good.
I haven't tried this yet. My Grandson is staying for christmas, I'll ask him about it.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Cute photos!!!

BeadedTail said...

Cute! The kissy one is my favorite! I didn't know you could take selfies like this so I'll have to check this out!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE IT, LOVE it, LOVE IT!!!!! really I do.... the tree is perfect. I can't pick BB up and I can't get on the floor with him. will try sitting by him on sofa... we shall see. GOOD JOB waving your hand. I love learning new things. I learned something else but for the life of me can't remember it right now.....

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Well aren't the two of you just the cutest! I love these too and think it's a great idea! Sandra...she sure is smart, isn't she? Holiday hugs!

Lin said...

Oh, these are too funny! It's next to impossible to do anything with pets sometimes. I know our family shots are always trying to keep them from fighting. too, I guess.

I guess you are going to have to do a tutorial on the selfie thing.

Silver in AZ said...

These are GREAT photos!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Despite his reluctance, the pictures in front of your tree are beautiful! They would really make a good Christmas card! Maybe some treats during the next session?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I too follow Sandra but I haven't tried this yet. Your pictures are great!!

Grace said...

I don't get it...what does the hand have to do with it? (I read the post you refer to - don't get it) And how do you take a selfie from so far away? ANYWAY - Your hair is FABULOUS! The color is natural, right? So 'effin' gorgeous!

Sandee said...

How adorable. You could make Christmas cards out of these. Adorable, the both of you.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to that handsome Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

don't hike that leg Gibbs. great shots

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you! Great pictures.

Ann said...


Ann said...

Thanks. I need to do something with the hair though, I'm long over due for a cut

Ann said...


Ann said...

I laughed at the kissy one.

Ann said...

Duke used to be so good about taking pictures. Gibbs is another story. I rarely get both my kids in the same picture.
Sandra did one on her blog and I found that it's different on my phone than it is on my tablet.

Ann said...

If I was going to use them for Christmas cards I would definitely have to do something with the hair and not wear my work

Ann said...

You hold your hand up, the camera recognizes it and it activates the cameras timer. The phone was propped up on the tv stand and since you're activating the timer by using the hand you don't have to be holding it.
Thanks. Yes, my hair color is natural. I've colored it a few times in the past but it's just not worth the effort. I've had some people comment on the gray but I'm not bothered by it at all. That's what I've got and I'm good with it ;)

Ann said...

Would need a better outfit and maybe comb my hair some before I could use them for a Christmas

Ann said...

LOL, good advice to Gibbs

Grace said...

Don’t you dare color your gorgeous hair! Most people would kill to have that color, and some spend a fortune to get it. I wish mine would go all grey...Stunning, babe, stunning.

Reeni said...

I love these! So cute! Your hair looks blonde in most of the pictures!

Terra said...

Great photos and I will try that hand trick. I'm not sure how close to the phone you hold your hand, but I will give it a try.

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