Wednesday, December 12, 2018

OVR update

I had my follow up appointment yesterday with OVR. I'm not really sure why it was necessary because there really was no additional information they needed and there has been no change in my status. All she really did was go over what's been done so far and to tell me I have been approved for the hearing aides that were talked about at my last ENT appointment.

It was worth going though because I had gotten a bill in the mail after my last ENT appointment. The bill was for $70 and I hadn't paid it yet because I wanted to ask the case worker about it first. I thought maybe I misunderstood something and I owed that money. When I showed her the bill she got a disgusted look on her face and she said "DON"T PAY IT'. She told me they have already been paid and they should not have been billing me for anything. While I was there she put her phone on speaker and had me call ENT to inquire about the bill. After being put on hold for a while I was told the bill was an error and I should disregard it. The case worker made a note on my bill saying what she heard them tell me.

The other positive thing that happened was she asked me about other health issues I have and if there was anything they could do to assist with them. Then she asked if I wore glasses. I explained that I have them but don't wear them and it's been a long time since I've had my eyes checked. Now she's also going to put in a request for an exam and new glasses for me.


Hootin Anni said...

This sounds so positive! She's a keeper.

crafty cat corner said...

Nothing worse than not being able to hear. Tom had a problem with his hearing called 'Hyper Acusis' this cannot be cured with hearing aids, its a sensitivity to loud noises, we are waiting to see if the Hospital has a solution. Wonder if the Ian Dury concert we went to years ago has anything to do with it, it was sooooo loud, either that or it is my voice, lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY! I am wildly clapping..two thing for the price or NO price of one visit. she is a keeper and an excellent worker. sounds like she cares about your health. so glad you found her and OVR.....

Grace said...

Well dang! Things are rolling your way for a change...a very hard year is winding down softly.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Good for you having these positive things happen in your life.

Love, hugs & prayers for you dear Ann ~ FlowerLady

BeadedTail said...

So glad you're getting all fixed up and no cost to you! Yay!

Sandee said...

I'm glad you went. You got rid of a bill you didn't need to pay and you're going to get new glasses. Excellent.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good thinking to not send in the bill before you talked to them! Now two items of good news! You don't have to pay it, and you get your eyes checked! Whoo hoo!!

Ann said...

She certainly goes the extra mile to help

Ann said...

It does get annoying and it's even worse when people get mad at me for not being able to hear them.

Ann said...

Yeah, how about that. Now lets hope that 2019 is all smooth sailing

Ann said...

Yeah, it's sure making my day. I had no idea this kind of help was available.

Ann said...

She said that I was her second appointment of the day and that both of has had gotten a bill from ENT even though OVR had already paid them. Makes me wonder what they are trying to pull or it it really is just an honest mistake

Ann said...

I was going to pay it but then changed my mind and decided to wait until I talked to the case worker.
The eye exam and glasses hasn't been approved yet but she's going to submit it so we'll see

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you waited! We have been billed for things we shouldn't have been and they admitted it when confronted. I'm happy you have a great case worker.

Reeni said...

Yay! That is good news! I hope you get them soon!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They try to get money out of us when it isn't right!! Mark will be going to check out the hearing aids. I too have glasses but I don't wear them. I feel like I see fine. Actually Mark wears one of my pairs to watch TV...LOL. I too just got a request to get my eyes checked again. Good luck with your hearing aids.

Terra said...

When I got hearing aids several years ago they changed my life for the better. Chatting with friends and talking to my hubby became easy.

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