Monday, December 10, 2018

In the village

According to the schedule at work I have today and tomorrow off. The schedule would be wrong. I agreed to go in for a couple hours on both days to cover for the missing cashier until the office person gets in. Tomorrow after I leave work I have an appointment with OVR. I have no idea what it's for other than a follow up before they can continue with my hearing aid thing.

When I got home from work yesterday, I destroyed my craft room more than it already was by working on one little card. Nope, don't have a picture of it. I then paid the phone bill that I almost forgot about and took care of a couple other bills while I was at it. Those tasks along with making myself dinner and cleaning up the kitchen pretty much took up the remainder of the day.

This was a last minute post so I grabbed a couple pictures from the village that's set up on the top of my fake fireplace.

The whole town is working on decorating.

Not a great picture but I liked the color on the wall from the lights.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is adorable!! But wait, I guess you posted about the hearing aid and I forgot? You are getting one? I have a dim and vague memory. My brain is loaded with spreading white matter, thus making my memory bad. At least I have a good excuse for it! I hope you don't have to drive through lots of snow!

crafty cat corner said...

I love the little scene with the ladder and the tree, so unusual.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a great little Christmas village you have.

Have a good week dear Ann ~ FlowerLady

Kate said...

I like your village - you have some unique pieces.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Things are looking so pretty at your house. And yes...I destroy my craft room every time I make something! It's hard to keep clean! lol Holiday hugs!

Grace said...

Oh I like that second photo VERY much. Looking forward to 'hearing' about the OVR visit, hoping it is good news. I'm sure improving your hearing will make a very positive change in your life. (And while not having all the time off you've earned, it's nice to be able to pad the checking account a bit. )

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your tiny town looks real. so pretty and I love the lights on the wall also... glad you are getting extra hours again...hope they can get you the hearing aids soon. you will be shocked at how your life changes. bob was... maybe you can get the craft room straigt over the next two almost off days.

Sandee said...

Getting the bills out of the way is a good thing. Working some extra hours helps the paycheck too.

I love your Christmas decorations. Beautiful.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Silver in AZ said...

I love the little tree trimmers! Very cute!

Hootin Anni said...

I adore these two photos!!! I've always wanted to collect pieces for making a Christmas Village, but they're so expensive, individual pieces, I never started one. I too love the way the lights reflect off the wall!!!!

Ann said...

Back when I went to ENT about the problem with perfumes, they did a hearing test and suggested hearing aids. When I said I couldn't afford them they recommended OVR which is The office of vocational rehabilitation. They can help with hearing aids, sometimes paying for them completely. When I met with them the lady said that I qualified to have them totally covered. It's a bit of a long process with all the waiting.

Ann said...

I've seen so many cute pieces to add and I could go broke buying them

Ann said...

Thanks. I started with a few pieces I found at a yard sale and then from there I was just buying something new every year from Walmart.

Ann said...

I just hope that having to go for a second appointment isn't bad news.
It's nice to be able to sleep in a bit and start my day lazy but padding the bank account is more improtant right now. Besides I don't do that much on my days off to make it worth saying no to the offer

Ann said...

I need to get myself in a routine of doing them all on a certain day of the week so that I don't forget like I almost did with the phone bill

Ann said...

Thanks. It came from Walmart.

Ann said...

I've always liked the villages and started this one when I found a few pieces at a yard sale. From there I've added one new thing each year. I've always picked up inexpensive things from Walmart but even some of theirs can be pricey.

Out on the prairie said...

i used to have a Studio town , think my oldest has it now. I had a huge bay window it was fun to set up in, complete witha mirror ice rink

Lin said...

I forgot to drop the water bill off at the village hall. It was due Friday and I got there on Sunday. They charge you 10% at midnight of the day that it was I have a $14 late charge already on my next water bill. I'm fuming...mostly at myself for forgetting, but it is that busy time of year when we forget stuff.

Reeni said...

I love these little villages! My mom doesn't put hers up anymore. I miss it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like your little village. They always make me smile!

Duni said...

I love Christmas villages like this! It looks lovely in the warm light :)

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