Wednesday, February 5, 2020

I just don't get it.

When I went to the mailbox the other day, to my surprise, there was a jury summons. AGAIN. I say again because even though I don't know the exact number I would say it's at least a dozen of them that I have gotten over the years. The last one was just last year and I was able to get a medical release since I didn't have my hearing aids yet and wouldn't be able to hear what was going on. To make matters worse, my date to appear is March 20th. That is the day before my birthday. I was planning on taking a long weekend and do something fun for me. Jury duty was not on the list of possible activities.

In any other random drawing, especially if a prize is involved, I would never get picked. Yet when it comes to jury duty I have been repeatedly chosen. I think it's time they pick on someone else.

Maybe I should sick Gibbs on them.

This is an old picture of him. He's not quite that shaggy right now.

On a side note, before scheduling this post I did a spell check and for some reason it doesn't care for my spelling of the word prize. Suggestions for correction were Price, price, pries, prized Perice.


Nastya Deutsch said...

You have a wonderful blog! The topics you write about are very close to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I follow you through GFC! If you want, go to my blog :)


CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry about that! It sucks.

Connie said...

It never comes at a convenient time, does it?

Hootin Anni said...

Well, if you show up for duty, at least your name will be dropped for years. At least that is how it usually is. I always hated jury duty.

Rose said...

I used to be picked fairly often...I would love to know how it is that I went for years and was never picked...same with Roger.

Kate said...

Perhaps requiring frequent trips to the bathroom (necessary or not) would excuse you from jury duty, lol.
Sometimes I wonder what dictionary spell checker is using.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

maybe Gibbs could tell them he can't stay that long home alone.. it really is odd you keep getting picked. have you ever been chosen to be on a jury? or had to answer the questions before being picked. I got one summons, back in 03 I think, was chosen to answer questions and they picked me to be on the jury of six.. by the time I got another summons, I was 71 and chose to opt out because I could...Bob was called twice but hearing problems got him out. this is a great pic of Gibbs

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say I had a blast on the jury.

Jeanette said...

I would love to be on a jury and I almost never get a summons. Last one I got about a year and a half ago when I called the night before I was told I did not have to come in! Prior to that it was probably 5-6 years since I received one!

Annsterw said...

I think Gibbs face is way to cute to scare anyone or anything! Sorry you are getting chosen so - VERY rarely (I hope I did not just jinx myself) HA!!!! Can always use the hearing aide one again and enjoy your birthday! HA - HUGS

Sandee said...

Jury duty is tiresome. We go, but we don't want to.

Gibbs is a handsome pup.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and an extra treat to Gibbs. ♥

Lin said...

I think that if you delay for a medical or personal reason, you get called the following year. Some people just get called a lot it seems. It's a gamble here in Chicago--you never know if you have to travel to some bad neighborhoods, downtown, or the two local places. It's never convenient. Just stock up on vitamins--I always catch a cold being in that germy room with all those people!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm afraid that sicking Gibbs on them would make them want to summons HIM, too!! So how many times have you actually served? When I was much younger I watched all the lawyer shows on T.V. and really wished I would get jury duty. Now that I finally do, I am too old and sick! I have been summoned a lot, and get a doctor's note every time.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Not a fan of jury duty but some folks love it! I hope you will not have to serve. My sister says once you are 71 they can not make you go! HaHaHa! She's a lucky girl! I am thinking I need to go spend half the year with my baby girl in NY state and half here. THat gives you an automatic out too. The hubby was like sure! HaHa! He has been chosen for jury duty too many times and he works for a major law firm. I guess they think he is knows a lot. Have a great day and hope you are not selected. HUGS

Ann said...

Nastya, thank you and thanks for stopping by

CheerfulMonk, oh well, such is life :)

Anni, that's true. I did serve on a jury once and got a break for three years

Renee LOL

Ann, I would use the hearing excuse but they also require a doctors excuse saying I'm not making it

Sandee, I wouldn't mind so much if it didn't end always being such a waste of a day and it's a bit of a drive for me too

Lin, I can't understand how I could get so many of them and others never get any.

Ginny I've only every served on one jury all the other times I've been dismissed. The one I was one had something to do with a guy stealing some motorcycle that he claimed he was told he could use and then police had to chace him down.

Anne I could really do without it. Most times I've been called it's a wasted day that I end up doing nothing but sitting in a room full of people just waiting.

NanaDiana said...

LOL On prize spelling. Idiot in the computer!!!
I am sorry you are chosen again for jury duty. I have never been called. You are like my Uncle. I think he served more than a dozen times all told. Hugs- Diana

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

it's not so different here, about people regularly off to jury duty. I was an exemption from when I was very chronically ill, where I couldn't sit/stand for long periods. I've never been notified again...

handmade by amalia said...

We don't have a jury system around here so don't have to do jury duty. For me it's always been the stuff of movies. Did you ever see Runaway Jury? One of my favorites.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They can send them out every 12 months if they want to. Of course you can ask for another time to serve so you can enjoy your birthday. I know people who are never asked so why they are picking on you makes no sense at all.

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