Monday, February 3, 2020

Staying alive

No, this is not a post about John Travolta or Saturday Night Fever or even the Bee Gees. This is about me keeping a plant alive.

Lets get down to the roots of the story.

Before Wade and I were married he had two plants in his house. One was a pothos and the other was a spider plant. When he moved here he brought both plants with him and he took care of them because I do not have a green thumb but I do have a history of killing house plants.

Pretty much it was just standard practice that I would leaf his plants alone.

The spider plant ended up dieing long ago but he kept the pothos alive and well. He frequently cut it back when it would hang too low.

Well fast forward to everything being my responsibility and now the poor pothos is at the mercy of a house plant killing brown thumb widow. I can only assume that I must be getting a little help from above because it's still going strong.

I have even cut a few pieces off of it and put them in a glass with water. My intentions were to put them in another pot but for now they are doing just fine in the glass. I just add more water when it gets low.


Connie said...

I too have a black thumb when it comes to house plants. I do well with outdoor plants.
You're doing great,Bravo!

Hootin Anni said...

My outdoor plants do well. But indoors is another thing. Our house sits on an angle with the sun & never any direct sunlight. No thriving indoors.

Rose said...

Congratulations on keeping it would have died for me .

Pam said...

Awesome job...yep, I am not so good with the plants inside, outside, not an issue. I lost several while living at moms last yr then not feeling up to caring for them after I got home. That one is looking GREAT!

Kate said...

Looks like your thumb is turning green - well done, you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

just about all of us plant killers can keep a pothos. it requires only water and not very much and if we forget to water, it looks sad and reminds us.. did you notice your plant in the hanging pot has solid leaves and the cutting is variegated? that is what mine did, both in the vase and out in the yard where it ran amuck. now I must take a photo of MY vase of water and cuttings.

Sandee said...

Good job on keeping that plant alive. I knew you could do it.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

Sometimes plants just need some fresh dirt and new pot to get new life, so if yours is suddenly not looking so good, try that. Those plants don't need a lot of attention, so you are doing the right things apparently.

I adopted a couple of plants from my MIL's house after she died. There is something about taking care of her plants for her that makes me happy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is pretty. Pothos is one of the more hardy plants, and very easy to take care of. Spider plants not so much. So I think it will continue to do well!

Ann said...

Anni, I'm not god with indoor or outdoor.

Pam, I'll kill them no matter where they are

Sandee, It may be still alive now but I can't guarantee it will be by this time next year :)

Lin, I had one plant that was doing really well but had outgrown it's pot so I tried moving it to a bigger one so it could stretch it's roots in some new soil. It died shortly after.

Ginny so long as it tolerates my neglect I think we can get along :)

Reeni said...

I am the same way! I don't even bother buying them anymore. Yours is beautiful.

CheerfulMonk said...

Those are great plants! We've had ours for almost 30 years now. We keep watering it from time and cutting it back when it starts taking over the table it's on.

I got it from a clipping from a colleague at work, and we've taken more clippings from time to time.

Ann said...

Reeni, I have killed so many plants over the years. I kept trying but I finally decided it just wasn't worth it.

CheerfulMonk. Wade was always so good about watering it on a regular schedule. I've managed to keep it from wilting and that's a real accomplishment for me.

Jeanette said...

I think my thumb is getting a little greener as I get older because I haven't killed a houseplant in a while! Of course, most of them are succulents which are pretty easy and very forgiving if you forget to water them!

Ann said...

Renee. I'm lucky that this one is very tolerant of my neglect.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

some things I'm better with in the line of "plants" - at another house, I had rampant parsley. People said it was unusual, they would of course go to seed and pop up anywhere suitable or unsuitable. When I came here, I got a lot of pots but for some reason I've not had much luck, mostly because I forget the feeding and watering...but a few weeks ago I got a parsley plant, but I knew if it was out with the other pots it would not survive, so I gave it a biggish pot and put it on the back porch - I have a rather large under thing (old backing tray) and it gets watered, it's growing well, I've even remembered occasionally to snip and use - said herb...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I've always loved spider plants but haven't had one in years. I do have a 2 pothos plants. They are easy and don't require a lot of water. I do like that they root in water which is always a fun thing to do.

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