Monday, February 10, 2020

Who gets the last word

Old man winter has sort of been slacking this year. We haven't seen much in the way of snow which I'm perfectly happy with. All it took was for Phil to predict an early spring and Winter stepped up to the plate and hit a home run.

The snow started Friday night and kept up most of Saturday morning. Since I had to get out Saturday afternoon I needed to shovel.

Those piles of snow at the end of driveway look rather small in the picture to me. Let me tell you though, after shoveling this I went in the house and took a nap.If that wasn't enough all day Sunday I was feeling achy and tired. I'm just getting too old for this stuff.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, GOSH! I blame your neighbors! You would think that one of them would shovel snow for the lady who lives there by herself!

Hootin Anni said...

I hate snow, just for that reason. Heavy, shoveling, driving in it. Nope, nope, nope. Don't miss winters like this at all.

Carol said...

We have had more snow since he predicted spring than we had before as well. Now we still have no where near the snow you have. I have only had to shovel once this year and it was not that bad.

Kate said...

I hear you ... snow removal is for the young (not that I'm suggesting you're not young), lol.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

at age 75, I can happily say, I have never shoveled snow.. yay for me, and boo for your snow. I would not be able to get out of bed if I shoveled your snow.. hope it melts soon.

Sandee said...

I've seen a lot of snow pictures on my rounds this morning. Most feel the way you do about all the white stuff showing up this late in the game.

Have a fabulous day and week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

Ugh. Well...count it as a full-body workout, I guess. What else can you do?

I don't agree with those who say that your neighbors should do it--people all have their own issues--medical and physical--so why are they supposed to be responsible for your yard? Yeah, maybe in a perfect world, right? Nah. I used to snow-blow for many neighbors and do you know how many would even peek their head out to say thank you? NONE. Even snow blowing is a physical effort--so I quit being so nice.

Jeanette said...

We got some steady snow over the weekend too. I am so ready for Spring! Still thankful we're not in the deep freeze like last year, though!

Annsterw said...

Shoveling is a workout all it's own! UGH! Hopefully there wont be much more of this and Spring is around the corner....fingers crossed!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad your driveway isn't even longer! Fingers crossed you won't get much more snow.

We live in an apartment down in town so don't have to worry about shoveling.

Ann said...

Ginny, the neighbor next door did come over a few times last year with his snow blower but he's not in the best of health and his wife is not doing well at all. As for the rest of them it's just not gonna happen :)

Anni I hear ya. I could very happily do without snow

Carol I really can't complain because we haven't had much snow at all this year.

Sandee, I've seen quite a bit too. It looks prettier when I see it on the blogs

Lin, exactly, gotta do what you gotta do. I agree, I don't expect my neighbors to come take care of it for me which is not to say I would turn them down if they came over and said they would :)

Ann, yes it is. It's a little rough on the back too. I'm very ready for spring

CheerfulMonk I hear you. I'm good with a nice short driveway. That would be an advantage to living in an apartment

Rose said...

I feel your pain! Shoveling snow is not for the weak of heart. It wears me out about quicker than anything.

Marg said...

That does sound like a lot of work. Sorry you are all sore now, but like me, you don't have a big choice. Luckily we don't get a lot of snow so no shoveling here. Have a good evening.

Pam said...

Getting OLD is not for sissies that is for sure! Yep, it don't matter how little you shovel it is always rough when you are out in the cold and if you are like me...out of shape! Yep, we had snow the 12th of early for us. I figured we were in for it, haha, I was wrong and like you said, Phil says SPRING and we get SNOW and cold temps. The worst this yr has been the rain, so much rain. Cool temps and rain have messed with my body so bad. Cold, we have had a few days but nothing like winter used to bring.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I suppose a snow blower is quite heavy to use

- it reminds me someone suggested I get a weed eater, and another friend said "they've quite heavy to weld about..." I didn't get one, I found a lawncare guy who comes around fortnightly and he's strong as lots of tools!

Ann said...

Pam, that's for sure. I'm stubborn to because even though it's starting to feel like too much I will push myself until it is done.

Catherine. I've seen my neighbor struggle with his snow blower. I have a weed eater though and they really aren't heavy. I have no problem using one

Reeni said...

We've hardly had any snow! That sucks that you had to shovel!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Honestly I don't miss that at all! We are currently in Montana so we might see some snow today.

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