Friday, February 7, 2020

My hearts too big

I was working on more of the Valentines jar and thought I had a good enough memory that I didn't need to remeasure the lids before I cut more hearts. Turns out I was wrong. I now have all these hearts that are too big for the jar lids

I should learn to not trust my memory but I keep forgetting.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I know you will find something else cool to do with them!

Hootin Anni said...

Lol. If you think your memory is shot now...wait a few more years 'til you catch up with me. I like what you did tho.

Kate said...

No one can accuse you of not having a big heart! ;)

Forsythia said...

Yep, don't trust to memory on things like this. I was about to order some cafe curtains and, just to make sure, I measured the window that I thought I "knew"--sure enough, the ones I was going to order before I thought to measure, would have been WAY too long.

Sandee said...

Not to worry, you'll find a purpose for these hearts. It's what you do.

I had to chuckle over the memory part. Isn't that the truth.

Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Rose said...

I am sitting here laughing at your last line...that is so me! But now I will be waiting to see what you do with these.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ROFL about using the memory to remember . not these days. I am sure you will find something to use the hearts on. will they fit on a jar?

CheerfulMonk said...

Been there, done that! I was going to order more than one of an item online the other night and my husband got a sample to check. Good for him! I was going to order the wrong thing. You have a lot of company. :D

Ann said...

Ginny, I'm sure I will eventually

Anni, I'm gonna be in big

Cynthia, I don't know why I haven't learned by now that I can't trust the

Sandee LOL very true

Renee, good to know, thanks and that's a good idea for the extra hearts.

CheerfulMonk, good to know I'm not alone :)

Pam said...

Memory....I forgot what that is!

Ann said...

Pam, LOL I hear ya

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well I'm sure you can find something to do with them next year!

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