Sunday, February 2, 2020

Winging it

I had the most incredibly lazy day off yesterday. It was rather nice but a little boring. Because I was so bored not only did I not have anything to do but I didn't want to do anything. That made it difficult when it came to doing a blog post. So I thought I would just wing it and see what I came up with.

When I say wings, I think of birds so off to archives to see what I had.

There were very recently hatched baby birds

Birds in my back yard

A cute chick that I did an edit with

And a finch.

Now to come up with something for tomorrow.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I like your little gnome!

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for archives! And for taking a break once in a while to recharge our batteries.

Hootin Anni said...

Wings & things...a perfect Super Bowl post.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE the Cute Chick edit... precious... so are the baby birds.. yesterday is the first day in YEARS that I did not place one foot outside of the house. no Walmart, no walking, no nothing. I did not even excericse in the house.. the 3rd day of dreary plus it rained for 24 hours... I am a sunshine chick and just read and computed all day long.. I am about to leave in a few minutes to do the WM shopping now.. I say post a few of your edits from the past, OR go back to todays date and see what you posted last year.

Kate said...

It's nice to see the birds even if these are older pix. A lazy day is good once in awhile - let's you re-energize.

Rose said...

I LOVE that cute chick edit...and that Goldfinch....I need to put out some feed for the birds...will do that later.

Jeanette said...

Yes! Doing a February photo a day and it's going to be rough to come up with something everyday when there is not a whole lot going on right now outside!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Such beautiful birds

Lin said...

We had wren babies last year and the parents were SO LOUD! While I loved seeing and hearing their happy babies, I am really hoping they don't have another clutch. None of us...including the cats...could step out the door without them peeping endlessly!

I hope it is sunny by you today. It is here! Makes for a happy spirit!

Ann said...

Ginny, thanks. I saw him in the dollar store several years ago and fell in love with him.

CheerfulMonk, archives are a life saver

Anni I would hate to drop the ball on Super Bowl Sunday so I had to come up with something.

Lin, These were robins. They would build their nest every year in the bush righ by my front door. One year a cat found the nest and since then they haven't built there. I kind of miss it but at the same time it was a pain going in and out that door because the mother bird would have a fit.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I'm so pleased, I didn't start my blog ways of every day...I would be hard pressed at times to come up with anything. But as CM comments "thank goodness for archives"

Pam said...

Read that title this morning and thought maybe you were going to be one of those 1/2 billon folks that were eating wings yesterday. So glad those little wings were not consumed.....:)

Reeni said...

Those little baby birds are so homely without feathers! :)

Ann said...

CAtherine, There are some times I consider cutting back on how often I blog but I started the every day routine to keep me thinking

Pam, no but wings sure do sound good.

Reeni they sure are. they don't even look like birds.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great photos, I love the birds!

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