Sunday, August 23, 2020

A whole lot going on.

On my way to work the other morning I noticed a flag in the pharmacy window. It was all all done in lights. Since I was sitting at the stoplight I pulled out my cell phone to take a picture of it. This was the first picture that I took. When I looked at it on my phone later I noticed all kinds of reflections in the picture. You can see a reflection of the store on the opposite corner. There's also a reflection of different things inside my car.
I zoomed in to take another picture of the flag. It's not a great picture but you can tell what it is.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is unusual for sure, especially on a pharmacy! Glad you spotted it!

CheerfulMonk said...

That is strange. I'm more impressed that it's so dark when you have to go to work. :(

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking that flag was beautiful in the dark, and i like the crazy reflections, it got a lot you did not see with your eyes, i am sure... i like the green reflection at the top right, like the street was in the sky.

Hootin Anni said...


Rose said...

I do like it....the flag, I mean. And I love the first shot when the view is expanded. It has so many points of interest.

Jeanette said...

Good for them!

Martha said...

I like the first one, lots of crazy reflections going on!

Pam said...

Nice...I need to get another flag to hang here at the house. The one I had at the other is really dirty and I have taken it down to go to a woman whose family does a flag burning ceremony in the fall. But I have pole that stands in the center of my yard that has been here forever but there is no long rope to raise the flag with and I am not climbing up a ladder to put any up....I will have to hang my flag another way.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I love how one can get reflections in the night...I remember one time when I was out with a friend, I wanted to get some photos of the traffic lights changing colours and I got some interesting shows of the shadows coming off the actual light and then taillights from other vehicles...

I think we forget what time "bakery staff" get up and drive in the dark, so that there are freshly made pastries at opening time...

Ann said...

Ginny, it's a small hometown independently owned pharmacy.

CheerfulMonk, This is at 5:30 in the morning so there are very few days of the year when I see any kind of daylight when I go to work

Pam, I used to have a flag years ago. The pole was attached to the side of the house. I stopped putting it out when it damaged the siding.

Catherine. It can sometimes be a real treat to discover what the camera sees.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes there is definitely a lot going on in that first photo. I like the flag!!

Connie said...

It is good to see people who are not afraid to honor our country and the men and women that have served, our forefathers and patriots.
Girl, you go to work very early, don't you?

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