Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Cheeseburger is retiring

I took a cake order recently and the woman told me what she wanted it to say. I cant remember the original name but she changed her mind and said make it congratulations cheeseburger. I asked if she wanted flowers and she said how about leaves. Then i suggested trees and she said go for it

When she came to pick it up she handed the girl who gave it to her a ten dollar bill. The girl said we cant take that and the lady said why not its awesome and then she walked away. We arent allowed to take tips but there's not much you can do when someone puts the money down and walks away


CheerfulMonk said...

I love it! It's so cheerful, and we can use a lot more of that nowadays.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You deserve it! I hope you got ALL the money because you did all the work.

crafty cat corner said...

I like that cake a lot. Why do we never think of the alternative to flowers, the trees look awesome. As for the tip, take it!

Hootin Anni said...

Those are dumb rules! The tip is nothing but the show of gratitude on a job well done.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love it and would never thought of doing trees, it is perfect for the happy trails and off into retirement. so who got that tip

Rose said...

It is nice to be appreciated. You are talented...

Kate said...

No better compliment than "it's awesome" - well done, you! Are you a wee bit curious about 'cheesebuger', lol.

Martha said...

The tip was well deserved, it's awesome!

Lin said...

Isn't that nice that she appreciated your work! What a nice compliment!!

Jeanette said...

Never turn down money when it's handed to you! The cake is awesome!

Grace said...

Totally love this! and isn't nice to not only get an "Awesome" but also a tip...You make such lovely cakes, I don't think people appreciate how difficult it is to do...So when you get a compliment, it means a lot, I bet. (Would have been nice if she told the store owner, tho I think he knows how good you are, still...)

Sandee said...

Well done. A tip is nice too.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The trees came out really nice!

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk, thank you and you are so right

Ginny, I did get the whole tip

Briony Thank you. Most people do want flowers but every now and then, especially if the cake is for a guy they want something different.

Anni, I think they started the no tip rule to discourage people from taking advantage of some of our older customers

Lin, yes, it was. I always like to hear about a customer that is pleased with my work

Grace, it is nice to get the compliment. There are always people willing to complain when you dont satisfy them so it's nice to have people point out the good.

Sandee, thanks. That was definitely the biggest tip anyone has ever left for me. I had another guy leave me $5 one time for doing a donut order for him.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Nice one - hope cheeseburger gets to her/his own thing - I can't imagine have a nick name of that type though :-)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How cute is that! And it's not to be appreciated! Have a good day!

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