Thursday, August 20, 2020

Birthday cake

Here's the latest cake that I've made at work.
These made me think of the yellow rose of Texas.


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is like full of light and sunny joy!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I came back for another look, and just noticed the cool sparkles!

CheerfulMonk said...

I never cease to be amazed by the cakes you decorate!

Hootin Anni said...

that closeup is amazing!

crafty cat corner said...

Your writing is beautiful. I know it is't easy but I suppose you get a lot of practise.
I once worked in a Thorntons chocolate shop many years ago and at Easter we had to write messages on eggs, I can't begin to tell you what a mess some of them were, lol

Martha said...

This is so beautiful!!

Grace said...

Yellow roses are my favorites! If you ever make me a cake can I just have the rose buds? I just like them better than the full blown roses, which are beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I love the rose buds more!

Rose said...

I love yellow roses.. so this is the one I would want. It is beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree with Jen and it's bright and cheerful and joyous

Sandee said...

A beautiful cake and I'm sure Marilyn will be most pleased.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and an extra treat for Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very pretty. You do beautiful roses.

Ann said...

Ginny, I thought it was rather sunny looking too. I sprinkled the flowers with yellow sugar crystals

CheerfulMonk, well thank you

Anni, I took these with my cell phone and it doesn't take very good pictures. I meant to sharpen them up a bit but forgot.

Briony, thank you. I have had a lot of practice. It's always been easy for m e though. I've known other people who can do everything else but not the writing

Grace, You got it, a cake with just rose buds just for you :)

Sandee, The funny thing about this and I forgot to put it in the post, it was her sister who ordered the cake. She spelled Marilyn and she said "I think that's how she spells it"

Hootin Anni said...

ps...did you know the yellow rose of Texas is actually a woman (supposedly during the Alamo days)

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how yummy looking. I'm not much into sweets so being a diabetic really hasn't altered my life much but... when I see a cake like this, I sure would like a nice big piece. Love, Andrea xoxo

Connie said...

You have a wonderful gift, your cakes are very pretty. I'm sure they taste wonderful too.

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