Saturday, August 15, 2020


I had two cakes to do at work yesterday.
The first was for a little boy celebrating his first birthday. 
The second was for someone's mom


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the pattern on the second one! It is unusual and creative.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love looking at your cakes!

Hootin Anni said...

the red is my favorite. perfect for ANY mom!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the blue is my favorite. and now if you did not say it was a boy, there are many girls named charlie..

Martha said...


Rose said...

They are both beautiful...sure love the little boy's though. They are both works of art.

Pam said...

I never mastered the roses. Just not something I could get to look right! haha...I wonder if the reason being that I am not a big fan of roses? It know it is strange to feel the way I do but when you enter a funeral home the first things I smell is roses, I feel they are so strong. So roses tend to remind me of a funeral home.....I know, we all have our strange little things that play silly games with our mind!!!

Nancy's Notes said...

Those are beautiful! You are very artistic! I have a very hard time with lettering!
Have a great Saturday evening~

Ann said...

Ginny, thanks. I start by drawing green lines and then just randomly go from there.

CheerfulMonk, thanks

Anni, We used to have to mix our own red and by the time you got it dark enough it tasted very bitter. I've been ordering red frosting in a bag and it tastes way better and the color is great.

Martha, thanks

Pam, when I first started this job 20 some years ago I was terrified of doing roses. I've even dropped a few upside down on a

Debby@Just Breathe said...

First birthdays are so exciting. Both cakes look great!

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