Saturday, August 22, 2020

What is 123 cake

 There were some questions the other day on my post wanting to know what the 123 cake in a cup mix was. What you do is take and angel food cake mix and any other flavor cake mix, any brand and mix the two together. You put that in an airtight container and then when you want some cake you put 3 tablespoons of cake mix in a cup, add 2 tablespoons of water, and microwave for 1 minute. You can either turn the cake out of the cup or eat it right from the cup. To make sure this works you have to use the angel food cake mix that only has one bag in the box. If you use the kind that has two bags in the Box this won't work. Before putting your cake in the microwave you can also add a few chocolate chips or a couple little blobs of peanut butter. Someone also asked if it tastes good. I wouldn't say it's a cake that is to die for but it doesn't taste bad. The nice thing is you get to have some cake and there's not a whole lot of calories involved.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I had no idea!! Cake in a flash, I need to try it.

The Feminine Energy said...

What a fun idea! Love, Andrea xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm usually not a cake eater, but I might just try that to see what it's like. Thanks!

Hootin Anni said...

Saves a lot of dish washing!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sounds good to me but i am not allowed. phooey. makes a great gift and is EASY which is my kind of cooking. zap it! cooking. ME to the bone

Rose said...

That sounds interesting, and if you dont have cake often, I bet it is pretty good.

Martha said...

I've heard of cake in a cup but have never tried it. I should do that now that it's just me and my hubby. Great gift idea too. Thanks for letting us know how to make it :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you, that sounds easy and Mark is always asking if we have cake!!! We never do so this might work for him.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

sounds like a simple and fast way - when you just NEED cake, FAST...

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