Monday, August 24, 2020

It's tea time

I recently downloaded a free file from Simply crafty SVG. Com for a teapot card. Saturday I had time to play in my craft room and made this card.
The inside has a spot to hold a tea bag.


Anni said...

I love this.

Gayle said...

Now if that isn't clever and nicely done.

Rose said...

Now that is cute...I love the way it opens along the shape of the teapot!

Martha said...

I love this! I'm going to look for this myself, it would be perfect to send along when I mail in my ATCs for the swaps :)

Grace said...

That is super cool and just perfect for someone who is a tea drinker, a card and a little gift - Nifty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is way cool! love it! also love the FREE part

Sandee said...

How clever. I love this.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

The Feminine Energy said...

Ooooohhhhhh Ann..... this is absolutely adorable!! You have a wonderful talent in making cards. Cakes too. And probably a million other things I don't know about! Love, Andrea xoxo

Lin said...

So cute! Are you selling cards anywhere?

Kate said...

How cute!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is SO COOL!!! Or should I say "hot" ha ha ha...

Ann said...

Anni, thanks

Gayle, thanks. I love when I can get these free cut files

Grace, my sentiments exactly

Sandee, it's amazing to me the things people design to be made from paper

Andrea, Thanks, I can't take much credit for the card since this is a cut file. I just cut out the pieces and put them together.

Lin, thanks. No, my selling days are over but I've been known to give them away so other people can use them.

Kate, thanks

Ginny, LOL, probably closer to cool since there is no steam coming out of the teapot.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Really cute!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

It's sweet and friendly. :)

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Love it and I know whoever receives it will love it too...especially if they a cuppa of tea.

My Tata's Cottage said...

That is so cute and so clever! I belong to an encouragement group so I like to send a tea packet along. I am a tea lover of all tea things so I would definitely love that card, it is adorable. HUGS across the miles XO

Jeanette said...

What a cute idea for that card!

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