Friday, August 7, 2020

busy busy

Wednesday was my 10 hour day at work and by the time I get home and have dinner the day is pretty much over. Yesterday was only an 8 hour day but when I came home I had to mow the lawn. It was way over due thanks to the rain we've been getting . When the mowing was done I needed to trim back the forsythia on the side of my house. By then it was time to make dinner and again the day is pretty much over. After work today I have a couple errands to run and by the time I get home, you guessed it, time to make dinner and the day is pretty much over.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I bet it is even worse when it starts to get dark early! I can't imagine how you can work full time and do all the housework, laundry, cooking and crafts!

Hootin Anni said...

But, I'd be thankful I had a job since these days jobs are hard to keep with the covid/economy. Now, the mowing AFYER work would be a whole 'nother thing.

The Feminine Energy said...

Your days sound long, Ann. I admire you for being able to work all day & then mow the lawn. I'd be dragging just after the work day alone. You go, girl! Love, Andrea xoxo

Jeanette said...

Always some chore to do, isn't there?

Rose said...

I, too, wonder how you do it all. My older daughter is the same...and I don't see how she does all she does. I would be totally wiped out...being on a concrete floor does that too me. Though I did have a pair of work shoes that really helped when I did have to be on it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

If I lived alone there would be it would be no making dinner or making lunch. The three years I lived alone and never cooked except for once in a while to throw a slice of bologna and the pan and heat it up and put it on bread with mayo. I just picked around and ate things that are easy to make. Actually I can't remember what I ate but I did not cook one year I lived in a bedroom that was on the back of a lady's house. I paid her rent for a room and a bath and all I had was a microwave coffee pot and one single burner hot plate

Sandee said...

Yes that's how it goes, but tomorrow is your day off and it will be wonderful.

Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ann. Big hug to you and extra scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

CheerfulMonk said...

That's way too much work...please be sure to rest up when you get your days off. Take care!

Connie said...

There are always going to be times when all we can do is work and rest . . . just be sure you get that needed rest in between. Take care of yourself sweet friend and do not push yourself too hard. Yard work can always be done a little at a time, it's not going anywhere, you just be sure that you are taking care of Ann, because we love her :)

Ann said...

Ginny, You're so right. When it gets dark early I feel like I should be ready for bed much earlier. I guess I do it all because that's just the way it's always been. I gotta do what I gotta do :)

Anni oh believe me I am thankful for the job. Not only for the income but for the socialization. Living alone I don't get much so work is where I actually get to talk to people. The mowing I have to get done when the opportunity arises.

Andrea, some are longer than others and some just feel long, Believe me, after I was done with the mowing I plopped my butt down on the couch and called it a day

Sandee, yes it will, even if I don't do a thing

CheerfulMonk, I do get plenty of nap time in :)

Terra said...

I remember those long long days at work and being tired when I got home. I am sure glad I am retired, and admire your ability to do those long work days.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

My word, here I sit watching Hallmark movies all day. I honestly would like to trade places with you. You accomplished so much and you should be extremely proud of yourself for all that you do.

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