Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A relaxing day off

And I'm going to need it. This is fair week here. If you've been with me for a while you know that means extra work for me. 

My kindle has been drained for quite a while but I decided I needed to plug it in and charge it. Yesterday morning it was ready for me to settle in and do some reading.

I also attempted to charge my tablet but for some reason it will no longer charge at all. I'm contemplating upgrading the newest Fire tablet since I've had my current kindle since 2012. Maybe that would make a good Christmas gift to myself this year.


Ginny Hartzler said...

That is a really good idea! Before Christmas, you can usually get them on Amazon for around $50.00. That's what we did.

Hootin Anni said...

My Kindle is older than yours. I think I used it once...shelved it and never used it a 2nd time. I like books!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think you have the samsung tablet like i have, mine did the same thing at 5 years. i researched and it has a wire that gets loose in it and for a year i thumped it on the back with my hand after plugging it in and it would charge. got sick of that and got the chromebook, I can't read on a kindle fire, it hurts my eyes, but you don't read as much as I do so it might work fine for you. try reading on your laptop because reading on fire is like that, not like the kindle reader which is like a book. i have had 4 kindle readers, 1 was a gift. paper white is my choice.

Rose said...

I have never read on a kindle fire..I love my paperwhite but I bet you want the fire because you can do more than just readrwading. I know people that love them fir just sitting and browsing on the internet. I would think there woukd be a way to turn down the brightness.

Forsythia said...

I hate my Kindle fire. I should have done my homework before I bought it, because I don't want or need the extra bells and whistles. Maybe I should have gotten just the basic Kindle, but maybe not. I read newspapers and magazine articles on line, but I now know that I definitely prefer real books.

Sandee said...

I'm glad you had a great day off, Ann. Giving yourself a wonderful Christmas gift is a good thing. I know you love your Fire tablet.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

I got the newest Fire Tablet a few months ago and I love it. You can trade your kindle and your tablet in to Amazon and they will give you a credit toward a future purchase. I think I got $40 for my two.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh yes, the new Fire tablets are grand! Youngest daughter just got one & she's pleased as punch. There should be a great sale on them starting around Thanksgiving, Ann. I pray for you during fair week!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

Pam said...

I am old school, plus with a printing background, I prefer a book. I love to be able to turn the pages and smell to ink.. Now I will from time to time do a book on CD but that is usually when on the road somewhere or doing major cleaning. SO, its been a while, don't hit the road often and for sure don't do a lot of major cleaning these days! lol....Hoping you enjoyed your day off.

DeniseinVA said...

After all your hard work I would say you deserve this Christmas gift to yourself. This is a reminder I need to start a new book :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope this week isn't too hard on you. Yes I think it might be time for an upgrade.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

sounds like a wonderful Christmas present to you...enjoy

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I read using my IPAD and that works great for me. Wish I had a good book to read today. I'm in a slump!

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