Friday, September 24, 2021

A weighty matter

I have been unhappy with my weight for quite some time now. I tried over and over to change my eating habits and have failed each time. In the past I was successful using Slim-Fast so I thought I would give it a try again I started September 1st and although I don't know exactly how much weight I've lost, I do know that I have lost some. When I first started up I went to weigh myself but the battery in my scale was too low. It took me until this past Saturday to finally get a new scale. I've been weighing myself every morning to check my progress and each morning my weight has been just a tiny bit less. So far this week I have lost 2.2 pounds.  Since I started with the Slim-Fast I've been able to give up the sweet treats that I was eating way too much of. It also works well to curb my cravings.

The only bad thing about this is that a few months back I was feeling rather depressed about my weight and cleaned out all the clothes that didn't fit me any more and donated them. If I lose enough weight I won't have any clothes that fit me.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, congratulations! It is so cool that you fund what works for you. Hard to imagine there is something that can stop sugar cravings! The clothes that don't fit me anymore, I pack up and keep in the basement. I have about three different sizes now in lots of plastic keepers. And just the other day, I needed to bring some up and switch my pants. I hope you will be able to buy new pretty clothes! Do you remember something called Metrecal? It was the precurser to Slim Fast back in the fifties. M Mom was on it at for years and lost quite a bit of weight. So how many meals do you sub the Slim Fast for? does it have any laxative effect?

Hootin Anni said...

Main thing is...lose the weight then worry about clothes fitting. Right?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yay for the weight loss, you can use your expanded 7 dollar tip to buy a couple of things. i do what ginny does, keep 2 sizes up 1 down. they have been packed away for 4 years and i don't dare get rid of them because it might jinx me, maybe when you gave them away you created a Jinx... ha ha.. I tried the metrecal and then the slim fast and could never stay on it. if i don't chew something I starve. if I eat soup, i have to also eat something to chew, or oatmeal same thing. put walnuts raisins in it to chew... when I tried it they were in cans

Rose said...

I had not thought if trying slum fast.. I am glad it is working for you. I would say that you will have an excuse for new clothes, but I bet you are like me and hate trying to find clothes.

Jeanette said...

I used Slim Fast a long time ago and it did work, but the fiber in it was making me pretty uncomfortable if you know what I mean!? Anyway, take yourself on a shopping trip to a thrift store when you need smaller sized clothes!

The Feminine Energy said...

Congratulations, Ann... WOW, 22 lbs. is a lot of weight. If you hadn't cleaned out your closet, you probably would have jinxed it and wouldn't have lost the 22 lbs. *haha* Have fun shopping for a new wardrobe. Do you have a Goodwill store anywhere close? That's always a good resource for "new to you" clothes. Lots of my clothes have come from there. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Pam said...

AWESOME I need to know how you are doing this. Two shakes a day? Or what. I had gained 12 lbs since my weight loss but now I am at nine....would love to take it down even more. I am proud of you....

Sandee said...

Way to go. That's a lot of weight gone. It's hard to take it off and so easy to put it on.

Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

CheerfulMonk said...

Congratulations. If you do have to buy new clothes I hope you can find ones that you love and that lift your spirits. ❤️

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...


Connie said...

Bravo! I'm very happy for you. It must be hard working in a bakery . . . so many sweet treats to tempt you.

Forsythia said...

Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Congratulations, that is awesome!

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