Sunday, September 5, 2021


Sorry about the disappearing act yesterday. I worked a couple of 10 hour days last week and I guess they were a bit taxing on my energy level. Friday was one of them and when I got home I made dinner and then it was lights out on the couch until midnight when I woke up and went to bed.

Speaking of taxes, this came in the mail recently.

That was the bill for my school taxes which was due 8/31 in order to get the discount. I got in on the 26th. The post it note was attached to my actual bill explaining what happened. Apparently it went to someone else by mistake and they took their good old time getting it back to the tax collector. It was a good thing I had the money in my savings account to pay it. A couple days before this came a Facebook memory came up where I had asked if you could drop these off to the tax collector any time or if it was only during certain hours. Had it not been for that I would have totally forgotten about them being due. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes, bad luck for sure.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Oh no! That is the worst. I noticed my husbands Jeep tags. He has until the 30th to get the new tags on it. ALways money, money, money going out.
Glad you had your rest. Take care. Enjoy the weekend.

Rose said...

Wow, that was close!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did payroll when I was working and I did it for businesses in Pennsylvania they took the school tax out of your check each time you got paid. I would not like getting a once-a-year tax

The Feminine Energy said...

Well jeez, yes they did take their sweet time in getting it to you, didn't they. I'm glad you got the bill in time to pay it & get the credit... although if you would have contested it, I'm guessing you would have won. Death & taxes... can't get away from either one, as the old saying goes. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Pam said...

Crap happens but I sure do hate when they happen to me....and I am sure you do too. What are you paying school taxes for?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, What are school taxes? Is that what we call Property Taxes in Tennessee? Every state is different. Our Property Taxes include money for the schools.


Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I know your target challenge is to post daily - but we are all aware that's not always gonna happen - take the care, for you.

Hootin Anni said...

School tax is part of property tax here. It seems there is always something to cause stress.
That nap before bed sounds like a great way to spend time to me!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, ten hour days!!! Wow, glad you finally got it but that was too close for comfort.

CheerfulMonk said...

Please take care of yourself. I worry about you working so hard. ❤️

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