Wednesday, September 22, 2021

High anxiety

Last Friday I got home from work tired and just ready to end the day. I grabbed the mail as I walked into the house. There was a letter from the Erie County Courthouse

I opened it up and started reading. SAY WHAT?

I immediately went in to panic mode. My house is being sold for back taxes from 2019 and prior? How can that be. The bank who held my mortgage was supposed to be paying those taxes and why was this the first I was hearing about this.

$4,285.80 in back taxes. I just didn't understand how this could be possible. My heart was racing, I was crying and getting near hysterics. I called the number on the letter and the woman asked me if the address for the property in question was different than my own. That's when I noticed it. The address was on Wayne Street in Erie. She explained that when they send out these letters in an attempt to reach the property owner they send them to any name that is even close to the property owners. 

I breathed a huge sigh of relief and was able to enjoy the rest of the evening. Had I not been so tired I may have noticed the property address on the letter. It sure had me scared there for a few minutes though.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a bad scare. You do NOT need this at the end of a tiring day!

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree with Ginny, but I’m glad you got it settled so soon. That was scary!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gawd Ann. That would have terrified me!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so happy for you that they were open to answer the phone. our horror of a mail man brings our mail after five after six and even once at 7. when the mail comes every thing is closed and several times I have not been able to sleep because of what came after hours. i would have had a total melt down

Rose said...

I too am glad you could call. I often think businesses send out mail to.come on Friday, knowing people dont get home from work till after they have closed. I have had weekends ruined because of this.

Just so glad yours was easily solved.

Kate said...

Holy cow - what a scare!! Seems like a poor way to do business. Happy for you that it was a false alarm. ^^

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That doesn't seem right to send that to you. It would have upset me too!

DeniseinVA said...

That's horrible Ann! So glad you were able to get it cleared up quickly. Enough that you had to deal with it for the time you did.

Sandee said...

Sorry for all the stress, but it was a happy ending. I'm very happy about that.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

Oh good lord! What the hell kind of plan is that??! Why would they do that to people? And you have to wonder how many of them went to pay? It's sort of a scam on some level....or at least smells of one. I'm sorry they scared you like that.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh for cryin' out loud, Ann. That is SO WRONG of them to send out multiple letters except to those who actually own the property. Man, I'd send a letter in to the Public Opinion section of your newspaper about that. That's just WRONG!!! I'm so sorry this happened to you!!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

Connie said...

WOW! That would be enough to scare anybody. I'm so glad that you investigated it right a way, otherwise it could have put a lot of undue stress on you and there is enough of that these days anyway.
God bless you, sweet friend.

Jeanette said...

That's crazy that they do that! I wonder how many other people they scare like that!!I'm glad it was a false alarm for you! How awful!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I would have reacted the same way. What a terrible fright.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so sorry. I would have freaked out!! I'm glad it isn't you. I'm dealing with a few things right now that have me freaked out. Nothing major but I just can't seem to deal with many things these days.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Agree with everyone...especially since of late you've gotten so worn out. But great it was all cleared up quickly. Gentle hugs from me to you...

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