Thursday, June 23, 2022

2 vacation days

One of these days I might just take vacation time for an actual fun vacation. Unfortunately today I'm off because I have a dental appointment. Tomorrow I took off just in case my mouth is hurting too much. This is not a fun one. My bottom teeth have gotten very very bad and it's time for them to come out and a bottom denture goes in. I got the top one done probably 15 years ago. Wish me luck

 On that note I'm going to leave you with something funny.


CheerfulMonk said...

I laughed out loud at the crow bar. Good luck with the dentist. I hope it's not too painful, and I wish it were a fun vacation.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are so funny! Oh gosh, I am so sorry you have to get this extensive dental work! And he is going to do all the extractions at once? I hope you will have some really good pain meds that you tolerate well. I will pray about it tonight! For a smooth procedure and not much pain.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

chicken tenders has me rolling on the floor. Bob's daughter is a chicken tender, she has many exotic chickens that she cares for. good idea to take 2 days off. good luck and hope is is pain and blood free

Lin said...

Hope the dental visit goes well. Sounds painful and expensive. Yikes!

Rose said...

Oh, I wish you luck with the dental work...

Love the funnies.

Jeanette said...

Good luck at the dentist. I hope everything goes ok for you and you are not in too much pain! Love the memes! Too funny!

betty said...

Lol with the memes! Good Thursday morning laugh! Good luck at the dentist! Hope it is not too painful and you can relax and maybe do a fun thing or two on your days off!


Sandee said...

I hope things go well and you're back to normal soon. Enjoy your time off.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Big healing hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

HappyK said...

Sure hope things go well for you at the dentist and I've said a prayer for you!!

Pam said...

Hoping you don't have any issues with the teeth being removed and the denture fitting good

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I do wish you good luck. I can relate to what you are saying but haven't done it yet. Take care.

Ida said...

Just seeing this today, Ouch! I hate dental appointments. Hope yours goes well. Also a weird question but do you have trouble tasting food? My hubby got upper dentures about a year ago and complains all the time that he can't taste food the way he use to.

DeniseinVA said...

Cute and as I am late commenting, I know you've had your dental procedure done. I didn't realize it was removal and definitely wish you speedy healing.

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