Friday, June 24, 2022

I'm glad that's over with.

 Let me tell you, I was way more nervous than I thought I would be yesterday. I'm glad my appointment was in the morning because if I had to wait all day I probably would have made myself crazy. I got to the dentist office and his assistant gave me a couple papers I had to sign. My hand was shaking so much I could barely write my name. 

Next came Novocain. I lost count of how many shots he gave me, but it was a lot. He finished and I said "OW". His assistant says "wow, you didn't even flinch".

Afterwards she told me numerous times how well I did. She even told the receptionist I did really good. He didn't prescribe any medications and just told me to take 2 Tylenol, 2 ibuprofen together every 4 hours. 

I came home and spent the day on the couch napping and watching tv. My mouth is a little on the sore side but other than that I'm feeling fine. Of course, I'm writing this Thursday night so I could wake up in the morning and feel differently. 

Dinner was tomato soup and applesauce. I can't say that I'm hungry but I'm wanting so many foods right now that I can't have.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad that it went so well. I hope you feel the same in the morning. As soon as we are forbidden any kind of food, that is what we want the most!

Grace said...

I had 22 teeth extracted at one time - really not so bad. Did you get a temporary denture? They aren't much fun and this is not the best way to lose a few pounds...But glad it all went well.

Rose said...

I hope you are still.doing well.

MadSnapper said...

this is fantastic news and so glad other than being scared to shaking hands it all went well.. I agree with Ginny. tell me I can't eat it and it is instant must have it....

Jeanette said...

I'm glad things went well for you! I hope things are still going well today!

betty said...

I hope you didn't have a lot of pain overnight or in to today. It always does figure that we crave the food we know we can't eat. Soon though you'll be able to! I know you know this, but do follow what the dentist says. It will make healing go so much more smoothly! Pudding can also be good to eat, assuming you might like it?


Lin said...

I'm glad you are okay. I remember Grace telling of her experience with dentures. I hope you sail through the process. One step down...

Sandee said...

I'm glad this went better than you figured it would. Good for you.

Have a pain free day and weekend, Ann. Big healing hugs to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Pam said...

YIKES....I don't like dental work, but the worst I ever had was wisdom teeth taken out. But I don't even like having my teeth cleaned, something about people having their fingers in my mouth.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm happy that went well for you. Maybe hearing your story will help me bite the bullet.

Ida said...

Glad you appointment went better then you expected. - Hope you mouth is feeling even better today. - Oh I forgot to mention in my last comment that I liked your humorous jokes too.

HappyK said...

So glad to hear all went well. Hope you're feeling better today as well.

CheerfulMonk said...

I hope you heal fast. ❤️

DeniseinVA said...

Dental work is never a pleasant experience, to put it mildly. Speedy healing Ann :) Smart to get your appointment early in the day, then it gets all over and done with.

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