Tuesday, June 7, 2022

swinging into retirement

No, it's not me that's retiring. I'm kind of thinking that retirement is not in my future, because my job is also my social life. The retirement is for a cake I did recently at work. It's a woman that works at the prison and she frequently orders cakes for various reasons. She's always thrilled with whatever I do. On this one she asked for a golfing theme I'm thinking that perhaps the size of the ball and a hole maybe a little off but seriously it's cake. I wanted to make the ball look a little more like a golf ball so I used the end of a tip to add a little bit of texture to the white blob

On a different note, I went back to the eye doctor and he said all was good again. My eye responded well to the drops and the pressure is back to normal. I asked how likely it was to happen again and he said it is possible. If it becomes something that is a regular occurrence then it would probably mean a more permanent treatment.


CheerfulMonk said...

She will love it! That's good news about your eye, and that you have a good eye doctor. ❤️

Sandee said...

Love the cake. You'll retire one day and you'll know when it's time.

Hope you're having a great day off. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

betty said...

Very cute cake! Glad you got a good checkup from the eye doctor! I don't think I want to retire yet, lol. I think I would miss having a purpose of getting up to go and do something :)


Rose said...

Let's pray that the pressure stays normal!

Rose said...

I forgot to say nice cake!

The Feminine Energy said...

I love this cake you made, Ann! What a cleaver idea to put texture on the ball, like a real golf ball! I'm so glad your eye is better now. What a scary ordeal, eh? ~Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The cake looks great. So glad to hear that your eye is better. Let's pray it doesn't come back. Take care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY the lost is found, and on its second round. only you will understand that comment.
love the golf ball, it looks real to me.. I bet the person retiring from the prison will love it. When I saw my retirment cake I was so estatic I was dancing in my heart.

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