Saturday, June 25, 2022


We have a few people in the deli department who are less than stellar workers and that is putting it nicely. One day, since I had a few extra minutes, I made some motivational posters. It did  absolutely nothing to improve their performance but I had fun. I put these up on June 14th. Less than 10 days later they are now all curled up and bent over and pretty much destroyed

I want to thank all of you for your well wishes. I'm still feeling sore but nothing too terrible. Grace asked if I got a temporary denture. Yes, I did. I am actually the first person in his office to have gotten one. It's something brand new for him. His assistant told me that after me there were 2 or 3 others who also chose to go with the temporary.
Betty mentioned that pudding would be a good food to add to my current diet. Yes, pudding is one of the things I've eaten. Soup, pudding, applesauce and ice cream.


Rose said...

I like the posters...I could use them myself. Specially on some days. Is it hard to get used to.the dentures?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the people who do a great job probably loved the posters and I am betting the ones that are less than stellar, had no clue who they were aimed at. I love the less than stellar, will try to remember it

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I stood at the deli in a line that I was # 3 at Publix yesterday and was there more than 10 minutes, both employees were snail slow. I wanted to leap over the counter and cut the meat myself, or scream just push that 10 times faster than you are... the slicer was moving so slow I could hear it cut.

Grace said...

I can't imagine how they could possibly make a well fitting denture based on making an impression while you still have teeth. The shape of your mouth is different with teeth and without teeth. I was told the temporary helps with the healing after many extractions, also keeps bleeding down and helps reduce residual pain. I hope they make the impression for your permanent denture after your gums have healed and the swelling has gone down.

betty said...

I like both motivational posters, especially the message on the second one. That is worthy being on a plaque or poster! It is a shame that they were destroyed! As you know, my job is processing employee records of terminated employees. Sometimes I'll read stuff in the file and it is amazing the lack of work ethic some have. You wonder how they get by in life if they don't have that drive to success and excel at work!

Glad you are doing okay with your mouth and found that soft food to eat! Of course I would mention pudding since I have a bit of a sweet tooth! Ice cream is always a plus too and of course yogurt :) Here's to each day doing better and healing happening fast!


Connie said...

Very Cool posters!
I'm so sorry and your mouth, I'm thinking more on the lines of mashed potatoes and gravy, mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and maybe applesauce. I like my sweets but I also like savory foods. Hope all is well very soon and you'll be back to diving into a crunchy summer salad :)

DeniseinVA said...

I like them Ann, it's good to have these reminders.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These posters were such a good idea! It really seems that people used to take pride in their work, but do not anymore. So many places are closing down or shortening their hours now, because they can't get any employees. Is this the case with your store?

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Because employers can't get any workers, they hire the bottom of the barrell, who don't do their jobs well.

Sandy said...

Scrambled eggs, and yogurt would be good things to add to your diet. Hope things heal nicely. I like your posters, sorry to hear people have ignored them and not taken care of them. You tried.
Sandy's Space

CheerfulMonk said...

I like the posters, too bad about the "less than stellars". Good luck with healing fast. ❤️

HappyK said...

Like your posters. It seems now a days most people just don't have any pride in their work or very good work ethics.
Hope your mouth heals and you will soon be back to eating normal.

Jeanette said...

Love the posters! The work ethic of some of these young people leave much to be desired!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love the signs you put up. They were perfect.
Glad you are doing better. I didn't know they had temporary ones.

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