Monday, June 6, 2022

For the birds

 You might recall I had posted about a robin building a nest over the light by my front door. Well, apparently she changed her mind on that location and decided to build under my deck instead. I didn't realize what she had done and one morning saw Gibbs scratching at the deck like he was trying to dig through the boards. I couldn't figure out why he was doing that. Then I started noticing every time I let Gibbs out there was a robin who was acting like she had a broken wing. For some reason I happened to look under the deck and that's when I noticed her nest. Needless to say I've been taking tons of robin pictures. Here are a few.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You even got her mid-worm! Oh gosh, a nest right on the ground! She will be very lucky if a cat doesn't get it. That is what happens to most of the nests around here.

Hootin Anni said...


Rose said...

Great evenbgit a two fir one shot! And a good one with a worm in his mouth. I have been trying for that and not having any success with a good pic.

Rose said...

Even got two for...not evenbgit two fir

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you figured out they are there and can protect from Gibbs the Hunter... they are so cute and sweet... they must have thought it was safe under the deck.

betty said...

Wow, those are great pictures! I like the one with the robin and the worm the best! We do not have robins here in Phoenix (that I have seen :) Glad you discovered the nest so that Gibbs now will stay out of it :)


Pam said...

Oh Gibbs, Mommy Robin would peck you to pieces sweetie. HAHA....I have seen them dip down and peck dogs before. I love watching all the birds in the yard but Robins are not the prettiest or very colorful but I still like watching them. I have a feeder out just off the deck so the cats can watch them and two hummingbird feeders.

The Feminine Energy said...

I'd never heard of a robin building a nest under something. It will be good for when babies are learning how to fly...but not so good if a cat comes along. Hopefully the babies fledge before any cats are the wiser. Still praying for you & your eye, kiddo. ~Andrea xoxo

Lin said...

Well, that's exciting! Just watch for when the fledglings leave the nest.

Jeanette said...

Your deck must be high off the ground! The other day I saw a robin carrying a worm that was as long as he was!

HappyK said...

Robins build nest under our front porch every year. I think they like the ledge under there.
It is fun to watch they come and go!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Cute pictures. I haven't seen a robin in years.

CheerfulMonk said...


The Happy Whisk said...

Under the deck. That's a new one for me. Here, if they did that, the pups and cats would get the nest for sure.

DeniseinVA said...

Smart of them to build their nest in a more protected area, and interesting that they also use the broken wing behavior. I have only seen one Robin lately. Cute photos :)

DeniseinVA said...

Great captures of the robins. Smart birds knowing to move their nest in such a protected area :)

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