Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Saving for a rainy day

 Some of us save money for a rainy day. If you're a blogger though, you sometimes save material for times when subjects are a little sparse. 

A while back Jean from Cheerfulmonk sent me this saying that "this might be a good blog post for you"

It's been sitting in my email in box waiting for  me to need blog material. 

Well, she was right. It is a subject that seems to be more and more on my mind lately. I do like my job but since my boss passed away over a year ago, things just haven't been the same. It's not that his son isn't trying but he doesn't have the experience or knowledge that both his dad and his grandfather had. Those of us who have been there the longest are really feeling like we take a back seat to less experienced employees. Not to mention that these same employees don't do a fraction of the work that we do. The worst part is, at least for myself, I'm not nearly as motivated to do a good job any more. A little show of appreciation sure would go a long way sometimes.


MadSnapper said...

As team leader for a team of 21 employees, that was the thing that drove me crazy. i had 4 people and myself that did the majority of the work, some did their share and nothing more. the others had to have help. there were 10 team leaders, each with 21 people. because I worked to help my teams members, work that ws not mine, they decided to move me around from bad team to bad team to get them trained. it hurt my team and hurt me. and the 4 in my team were upset because they were punished for being good finishing there work, by helping the slugs. it is not just grocery stores its every job. i keep hoping your boss will change but i have my doubts. it is enough to drive the workers that work to not work. felt the same way you do

Rose said...

I think that that is almost universal...and there is nothing to be done about it...wouldn't you just love for all the employees that work hard to be able to just walk out?

Lori said...

It is the same thing here, even for the physicians. They just pile more and more and more onto everyone. There has to be a breaking point somewhere.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I had kind of figured this. Those who are so good just get taken for granted and given more work because they are so dependable. But GOSH, at least you should get bonuses or some kind of caring incentives. Have you thought of looking for another job? I am thinking not, because then that would mess up your insurance and retirement.

Sandee said...

Always give tasks to a busy person because they will get them done. I hear you. You need to be appreciated. Bosses should just listen to the squeaky wheels, but often they do.

Have a fabulous day and week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

CheerfulMonk said...

Please make sure you get the days off you deserve. You need to take care of yourself, for the store's sake as well as your own.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((HUGS)) That is really a shame. You should be treated with honor and respect. They would be lost without you.

HappyK said...

I've heard it said that 80% of work gets done by 20% of the people.

DeniseinVA said...

A pity the boss doesn't have a suggestion box. I honestly think that efficient staff get taken for granted and more put upon because they are especially reliable. I was in that position a few times so I know, and now I look around me and see what others are having to put up with, like you. Show of appreciation would be the first thing I would put in that suggestion box, and then I'd make a list.

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, a little appreciation makes a huge difference.

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