Friday, June 28, 2024


 This year the hydrangea are going mad. Both bushes are loaded with buds. By the time this publishes they may already have bloomed but in these pictures they hadn't yet. 

You can't really tell by this picture but maybe if you enlarge it you might be able to see how many are on each one.

Pay no attention to the nasty siding. I need to get out there with the pressure washer and clean it.


CheerfulMonk said...

That's great!

MadSnapper said...

They are beautiful even not fully open. Your hydrangeas always make me think of my mothers hydrangeas and daddy putting rusty nails underneath them to make them turn purple

Rose said...

They ate gorgeous, even in the his early stage.

Lori said...

Very pretty. They must be happy where they are.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I did enlarge it and I did see all the blooms! the other day I read that they change color depending on the weather! when it has been real cloudy, they get greenish! I can't wait to see yours in full bloom!!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So beautiful! They look awesome.

Lin said...

WOW! Somebody is happy this summer! There are so many blooms! I miss the colorful hydrangea blooms. I'm stuck with the heat tolerant white ones which aren't as lovely. Enjoy for me!

DeniseinVA said...

Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing your photos of them blooming. I would love to plant some of these out front. We have our own siding areas that need cleaning right now. It doesn’t take long for all the mossy green stuff to grow. Ours is especially noticeable on the street side at the top of the house. Another job for our list :) Have a great weekend!

Barwitzki said...

Wonderful - them look great.
Enjoy it.
Happy weekend.

happyone said...

Lots of people posting hydrangeas today, me included.

Liz Hinds said...

My hydrangea is still struggling to survive! send tips please!

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