Saturday, June 29, 2024

Week 2 drawings.

 Today I have the second weeks worth of drawings. This time there are actually 8 because I did two the one day. I switched internet providers and had to sit around while the technician installed everything. I drew while he worked.

These actually uploaded in the opposite order of how they were supposed to be. The last was the first I drew and first was the last one I drew.


CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you! As you know, I love your doodles. ❤️

Katerinas Blog said...

Your paintings are wonderful Ann!!
I like the one with the mushrooms,
but also the one with the kittens!!

MadSnapper said...

These have proved the old saying, practice makes perfect, because each week you get better and better. wow on the one that is 9 drawings on one page in squares.. I see several I wont to be inspired by, but I am not feeling well, so it might be a while or even never. each one is special in its own way.. I always wonder what to do while repair people are doing their thing... the watermelon looks real enough to be watermelon

Rose said...

Oh, these are wonderful...the cats is my favorite simply because it is cats and it is so them! But I do love all..

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Grace said...

Practice is building on your natural talent - these are really good and I expect your drawings to get better and better to exceptional! 💜

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The gnome is so cute. I went through some of my craft stuff this morning and need to start a project!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I just saw these on Facebook and love them. Great job!

Lori said...

Awesome!! Hard to pick one but I love gnomes so it is my favorite.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your drawings are very detailed, and not on a beginner level! I love them all! I have saved two that I may be able to copy. The gnome, because I collect them and it is the color of my kitchen. And the mushrooms. I have saved a bunch from Pinterest, too. My next post I will show the watermelon that I drew.

happyone said...

They are all very good!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Always love your doodles!

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