Monday, July 11, 2011

Are the stars out tonight

No those aren't stars. That's not even a good picture of fireworks but it was the best I could do to go with today's post.
Saturday night I was sitting outside just after the sun went down enjoying the cooler evening air. First there was one, then two, then what seemed like hundreds. There were fireflies dancing all around putting on a spectacular light show for me. It was like the stars had fallen from the sky to dance on earth for my entertainment.
I sat there wishing that I had my camera so that I could attempt to capture the magic, but afraid to move and miss one single second of it.

I think this quote says it best.
His sanguine spirit turns every firefly into a star. (Quote by - Arthur Conan Doyle)


Helen said...

Just a few days ago my older son wanted to stay up late so he could watch the fireflies "synchronize." I guessed our area is a bit congested we haven't seen it.

Sandee said...

I've never seen fireflies. I would love too though. How fun and how wonderful that you were entertained by some of God's creatures.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Erika said...

Thanks for your comments today. About my tangle--I was actually thinking of your quill work and how they are like tangles. But yours is phenomenally prettier!

marie said...

I LOVE this picture!!
It reminds me of some art work my kids did when they were little. Actually I think I did it too when I was in school. Maybe you remember it as well.

You color with a bunch of different colors of crayons on a piece of paper. Then you color over everything with black crayon. After the coloring is done you take a a pointy "something" and draw a picture by scratching off the black crayon...the other colors show through.

Hoping this makes since! I see it in my mind but I'm not sure I translated it well here. : )

BeadedTail said...

We don't have fireflies here but I saw them growing up in Kansas. They are one of nature's amazing creatures!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, I like your fireworks picture... We also have fireflies here---but here in TN--we call them "Lightning Bugs"..... Heard that before?????

Have a great evening.

Chatty Crone said...

I loved your firework picture too - and I have to tell you - we call them fire flies too - used to catch them as a child - out them in a jar with some grass and see if they lit up a room!

Ann said...

That would have been neat to see. We have more than last year, but not nearly as many as I remember when I was a kid.

Catherine said...

I've never seen a firefly before. I guess it's too cold in Saskatchewan for them... :(

xo Catherine

Ginny Hartzler said...

Did you take this picture of fireworks? It's fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...


Lin said...

Sometimes I just enjoy--no photos, no stories--just pure enjoyment. I like to just stop everything and have fun in the moment. Sounds like that is what you did too.

allotments4you said...

Hey Ann...I am back catching up after what seems like an age...hopefully this time it won't be so long before I comment/post again...good to see you are still here writing about weird and wonderful things!!

I have never seen fireflies so loved reading about them in this post.. :-)

Jen said...

That is SO cool! I love it :o)

Grampy said...

I love watching the fireflies at night. It is like a magical moment in time. Glad you were able to enjoy them.

Unknown said...

Whoa, your image is just exactly what I see every time Arlynda smacks me with a rolled-up newspaper! Come to think of it, it is also what I start to see every time she smacks me with whatever iron skillet is handy, but the effect only lasts about a half of a second. Then, everything goes black. Sigh.

Donna said...

Ahhhh...Sounds like you need some time off! I'm SO tired of "working" too and getting less and less for it...Puts a crimp in feeling good. Lately, it's been "dry bones" with me as far as blogging post goes....It's hot and Summer time means you can get out and do more. Winter time it seems more people are back blogging...
Rest Friend!!!
LOVE the shot!! It's Really pretty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it has been about 50 years since I have seen a firefly and i loved them as a child. I don't think we have them here in FL if so I have not seen them. we caught many of them and put in jars as a child.

Anne said...

I love fireflies. I remember lots of them when I was little but we don't have many around here.

john bain said...

My camera is never to hand when I need it most. Never mind memories are great things.

DSS said...

Those fireflys must have come down to VA on Sunday evening. We sat on the patio and watching Louis chase them all evening. It was glorious :)

tahtimbo said...

That must have been SO cool!! I would love to see a firefly. We don't have them here and I have never seen one before.
Sorry I've been away, but there has been quite a bit going on these past few months. I hope to stop by and visit on a more regular basis :)

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