Friday, July 29, 2011

Take a slow ride

I think that this car was made more for parking than for driving.
I took this picture a couple of years ago at the beach. The reason I chose this for today is because the beach makes me think of vacation. As of 2:30 p.m. today I officially went on vacation. I have the next 9 days off. Even though I know those days will be over before I know it, I'm going to hopefully take full advantage of the time. I'm embarrassed to admit it but I have done very little to get ready for that craft show in September. The plan is to take care of that this week.


Sharkbytes (TM) said...

That's very cute! One town near here has a sand sculpture contest every year.

Helen said...

My sons loved the sand car. Enjoy your vacation and happy creating!

Reeni said...

Yay! Enjoy!

Chatty Crone said...

Have a great nine days off - do whatever you want - when you want - how you want - where you want.

Have fun!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

That picture is so cool! Whoever made it is so creative! Where will you be going, or staying at home? I hope you get lots done, but lots of rest as well!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your vacation and...Get to Work!

Reena said...

Great photo in the sand ... and have a great vacation!

BeadedTail said...

Enjoy your vacation! Hope you make progress on getting ready for the craft show but also hope you take time to play during your time off!

Unknown said...

Well, well, well, Ann .... now the car reminds me of sherry too! Lol!!

Hope you have a fabulous holiday. Full of long, lazy days of pleasure to rest your bones and recharge your batteries. Enjoy every moment of it.

Jen said...

Looks like a little fire truck to me; very clever. Hooray for vacation, and you're right it goes by very fast (I'm almost out of summer vaykay myself *sniffle*).

Marg said...

That is such a neat sand truck. Someone did a great job on that. We sure hope you are going to do one or two fun things on your vacation. Have a really fun day.

Grampy said...

Great sand sculpture. Don't forget to take some quiet time for yourself. Vacations go by fast.

Donna said...

Love the shot Ann!!
9 WHOLE days?!!! I'm drooling here!!
Don't work too hard on all those little jobs!

Catherine said...

That is a very cool photo Ann! Enjoy your 9 days off. Hope you have perfect crafting weather! ;)
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

That car makes me feel a little better about how long it's been since our car saw the inside of a car wash stall.

Erika said...

It looks like an old-timey fire engine that has melted from the sun. As hot as it has been I am beginning to think that would be possible!

Get to crafting, lady!

Artful Rising

Erika said...

It looks like an old-timey fire engine that has melted from the sun. As hot as it has been I am beginning to think that would be possible!

Get to crafting, lady!

Artful Rising

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Hope you have a nice vacation and take time to wiggle your toes in the sand to relax.

All the best, Katie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy happy, i remember that feeling of 9 days off and how fast it went, get crafting and enjoy, but don't work all the time, spend lots of pool time with Duke. that car is amazing, we see sculptures here on the beach and they spend so much time creating it. true talent. enjoy your time off

Duni said...

Yay! Have a wonderful vacation, Ann!
Enjoy your crafting :)

Sheryl Hastings said...

You chose a perfect picture to represent your vacation. I hope you have a good time and I'm sure you will make the very best of it.
Now get craftin!

Sandee said...

Love the photograph. Very nicely done.

Enjoy your vacation, but remember to take some time for you. I so remember how fast nine days goes by.

Have a terrific day and a fabulous vacation. My best to Duke. :)

tahtimbo said...

That's a cool sand sculpture! I hope you have a terrific vacation!!

Rick (Ratty) said...

That's a very nice looking car. It looks like it has something leaking out of the back. :)

john bain said...

A talented car designer.

DSS said...

What a NEAT picture! Have a wonderful vacation :) Time really does seem to fly when you are off and enjoying yourself doesn't it?

I know Duke will be glad to have more time with you, and more time in the pool :-o

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