Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back to business

The part is over, the holiday is past
Maybe I can get caught up and back to business now.
It was back to work this morning for me but Wade has the week off. There's something that just doesn't seem fair about that.
I finally caught up on all the emails I ignored yesterday and as soon as I finish writing and scheduling this post I"ll try and catch up on my reading.
I've got so many things I can post about this week I hardly know which to start with. I still need to go through a ton of pictures and get them ready to post. There is also the quote winner to announce. Catching up may be harder than I anticipated.


Sandee said...

We just got back home a while ago too. Didn't have any Internet while away even though the motel said it had WiFi. It did the first day and then it went out. Oh well.

I can so remember going back to work after the holiday weekends. I just hated it too.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Anne said...

Sometimes it's nice to take the weekend off so you can have a little break. I definitely agree that it isn't fair for Wade to have the week off, but maybe you can provide him with a honey-do list.

Julie Harward said...

Good luck, it must be hard to work and do all else plus find time to blog...I do enjoy your posts though! :D

BeadedTail said...

Glad you had a nice break! It's hard getting back in the swing of things though especially with a pool calling your name!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, I understand having alot to blog about and knowing where to start!!!!! After 5000 pictures (between both George and me) ---I have so much I want to say that I truly don't know where to start...

I don't want to bore people with the trip ---so I'll try to show various things which happened along the way to keep it interesting....????? Who Knows!!!!

Sounds like you had a good 4th... Sorry you have to go to work while Wade stays home... Maybe you can leave him some "HoneyDo" lists this week... ha


Lin said...

Ugh. How do you get anything done with that pool in the yard??? I'd be in there ALL the time and quit blogging for the summer.

I'm so behind on all my blog reading. Ugh. And it makes me feel guilty. But somehow, I think everyone is feeling that way this summer.

Helen said...

May be you can start with the picnic and the pool. I'm interested with what Duke thought with all the people in the pool.

Unknown said...

Lol! Ann - you so remind me of myself ... I have so many pictures that sometimes I have to leave them for the month is over and time has gone and unless I write about something that I have taken in the previous month then I have missed my opportunity.
We are awaiting a downpour .. so I thought I won't water and although we have had rain floppy plants remained floppy so they will not make a good picture!

Anonymous said...

Well then maybe it's a good thing I'm not much of a camera person - don't need the guilt! Waiting for the winner to be announced...

Chatty Crone said...

That pool looks so refreshing - well just read and do what you can...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Take your time, don't burn yourself out, we'll be here! And you left us with a very cool picture!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Such a vibrant photograph!

marie said...

Pretty colors in the photo!

So not right that Wade's off and you have to work...maybe he should be in charge of dinner all week?

booahboo said...

I bet a little white fluffy guy would love to ride on the Hydro-foree. Wade got the week off? I wish i had the week off too Ann...

Jen said...

I know just what you mean. My posts are a couple of weeks behind and I have too much to talk about (I ditch a LOT of stuff ;o)
Hope you enjoyed your holiday girl; can't wait to read that winning quote!

Marg said...

Too bad you had to go back to work. But just be glad you have a job. It all does take a lot of time to do the blogging but it is fun. Hope you have a good rest of the week.

Sheryl Hastings said...

I know what you mean. It was a fabulous 3 day weekend but back to reality. Brian is on vacation in two weeks but not me. Such a bummer!

Unknown said...

Oh my, a video of me trying to sit in that inflatable chair would be an instantaneous YouTube sensation. Hey, I'm a-talkin' about infectious here, which is much more than just going viral.

Grampy said...

Ann, forget catching up. Spend some time with Duke and Wade in the pool. We'll all be here.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i bet i know which of the floats belongs to you. forget catching up and get out there and float with Duke on the end of the chair and a book in your hand. waiting to see what you have snapped, but take your time. no it is not fair you are working and he is not. i know it makes my man Duke happy though.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

I can't wait to see your photo's ... I know you'll work thru your stack of projects in no time .. in between playing with Duke.

All the best, Katie from

Donna said...

I can't seem to catch up Either! Where does the time GO??
BAD WADE!!!!Hahaaaa

john bain said...

I don't know how you keep up with it all. I can't. I just do the best I can.

Sharkbytes said...

well, the pool looks cool, but i guess if you have to work then wade is the one who will get to enjoy it.

Catherine said...

I think I need a swimming pool too...
Yours looks fantastic!
xo Catherine

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