Sunday, July 17, 2011


  • I keep saying I don't have time for this or I don't have time for that. I realized today while I was taking time to weed the garden that it's because I haven't made the time. So today I made the time to weed, float in the pool and hang out on the deck.
  • Kindness and courtesy are not completely dead. Yesterday when I walked by two young girls who were standing outside a convenience store collecting for their organization they greeted me with a good morning and opened the door. When I came out and handed them a dollar they thanked me and told me to have a nice day. Later in the day I stopped at a fast food place and met two more kids collecting for the same thing. I told them I already gave at the other store. The boy smiled, said ok and told me to have a nice day. Of course when I came out I donated another dollar and I got yet another thank you and have a nice day. 
  • The few good kids out there make up for the ones like the two girls who were collecting in front of the dollar store one day. I had to step off the sidewalk to get around them as they were too busy dancing and jumping around to notice I was even there. Ok so I was walking up behind them, I'll cut them some slack. But, when I came out of the store and was walking right towards them they just ignored me. Apparently collecting was too good for them. They let the one boy that was with them do all the work.
  • Spending time inside in front of the computer getting pictures ready for a blog post was not in the plan for the day.
Tomorrow I'll be back with part 1 of the powwow.                                                                                                                      


Catherine said...

Sometimes 24 hours just isn't enough is it?

You are right, we always let the 'rude' people take up too much space in our head and it squeezes out all the 'polite' people aside.

Hope you are having a terrific Sunday Ann!
xo Catherine

BeadedTail said...

I made the time today to make jewelry and enjoy my day away from the computer. We got rain or else I'd been out weeding too!

A little kindness does go a long way and it's always nice to experience it. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Reena said...

I have to agree with Catherine ... 24 hours just isn't enough in a day anymore!

Lin said...

There ARE lots of good kids--it's just the the poorly behaved ones stand out. But behind every poorly behaved child is a parent who doesn't care to teach them otherwise. Yea! for the good kids!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

There is just never enough hours in the day, is there? Seems like we have to program EVERYTHING into our busy lives these days, doesn't it????? Have fun making your priorities...

Anonymous said...

I am crazy about that photo! It is super - good catch!

Erika said...

You always say the perfect things!
I often say I don't have time when it boils down to me not making time.

Erika">Artful Rising

Reeni said...

I'm glad you made time to relax in the pool! Hope Duke joined you! There are rude people in the world but I love it when someone comes along that you don't know and they treat you kindly or even just smile at you - it always makes my day.

Unknown said...

I think Ann that potentially all children are good no matter what stock they may have come from. It is the sights that they see and witness each day that affects them. Now you might say 'hocus pocus' or such like to that but I remember seeing a programme about children being reared in the wilds of South America. I cannot remember which area it was except to say it was deep in the rain forest. The children stood out - they were so very well behaved - the parents were asked what dicipline they used to make their children so very well behaved. The parents didn't comprehend the question as the children were never scolded, hit or admonished as it was never needed. What was apparent was that the adults were not nasty or violent in either their body language, their voices or their actions .. the children therefore never learned how to be rude, nasty, spiteful, etc because all around them everyone they met were always so pleasant and nice to one another.

I have never forgotten that programme ... children learn everything from their elders around them so all of us are to blame when they are not what we would wish them to be.

There are so many mixed messages given out to children these days. They need sound boundaries ... they need people to tell them in words they can understand what is acceptable and what isn't. I think sometimes nowadays, everyone is so very busy that they forget to explain to children what they should and shouldn't do; how they should address people, etc.

Regarding children standing outside shops collecting money I would think that this is a very dangerous passtime no matter how good the cause. Firstly, they would then be talking to strangers - not recommended by the police - secondly they could be snatched. It puts the children in a vulnerable and dangerous situation.

the booker man said...

miss ann!

hooray for you makin' the time to enjoy the stuff 'n thingies that you wanted to do today. :)
me 'n asa made mama 'n daddy make the time to take us on a mega walkie this evening. teehee.
there really are some full of the manners kids out there. it seems like they kinda always get overshadowed by the naughty ones. boo.

the booker man

Sheryl Hastings said...

Great picture! I'm the same way. When I see kids outside the stores I always donate. It's so nice to see kids doing something for a good cause and that's why I do it. There are a lot of great kids out there but unfortunately we seem to hear more about the bad ones.

My Aunt Bill used to say, "you make time for the things you want to make time for." And she was right.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Are those real birds? The picture is amazing to me. They are lined up so straight, with the same distance between each one, like someone made them and put them there as a decoration.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think you were asking what my camera is? Nikon P100. Rated the top super zoom in Consumer Reports, also has a swing out tilt screen and High Def video.

Duni said...

I need to follow your example. I need to make time to do the stuff I need (and want) to do!
Btw, that is a COOL photo :)

Jen said...

There are still a few good ones out there (school employee - I'll vouch ;o) Love that photo!

Grampy said...

I go along with Polly on the kids outside the stores. Someone could snatch one and into a car before anyone knew what was going on. Lets keep the kids at home.

Unknown said...

When you rarely leave the house, let alone your property, you don't have to deal with people like that. Of course, Arlynda's mother lives with us, and you can't get her to do anything for a dollar. Nope, there is no escaping it--is there?

Out on the prairie said...

I have had 3 cars stop whenI am out shooting pics to make sure i am okay this week. It is a sizzler so easy to overheat a car.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! We always TRY to find a way everyday to enjoy the DAY n LIFE in general. LOVE this one ANN. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you found more compassion in our world and I LOVE this photo, it is truly special. glad you took time to float and enjoy life. was there a little white dog on the float with you? hummm?

Sally said...

You have such a beautiful place here. Love the photo also.

It doesn't bother me to see the kids taking up donations for a worthy cause. I've noticed here in my area, they are generally in front of our local grocery and if young, accompanied by parents. I'm the same as you,though, if they're just playing around and not paying attention, then I don't pay attention to them. LOL

Have a wonderful day! :)

Chatty Crone said...

I hear you girlfriend. Hey that picture was awesome too. Hope you got some yard work done. I always try to give someone asking a dollar too - I figure it can't hurt.

Anne said...

My girl scout troop has a couple of girls like the ones you saw dancing on the sidewalk. When we do cookie booth sales (selling girl scout cookies in front of some type of business), we have some girls who really concentrate and interact with people coming by and some who are trying too hard to get out of it.

john bain said...

You have so many comments Ann that I feel guilty taking up more of your time. Just ignore me OK. :-)

Sandee said...

I agree that most of us do what it is we want to do. Making time is the key. Doing what you want makes one happy. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Donna said...

LOVE the shot Miz Ann!
I've notice lately kids seem to be getting...Nicer...Hahaaa...maybe!

allotments4you said...

I think everywhere we go there is good and bad...but the good always out ways the bad in the end.

I love the picture you have pt with this is really nice and reflective of the title.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

What a wonderful picture! But the naughty side of me thinks they are all lined up to poop on the deck, and I do think I see some white spots.

Interesting Pictures said...

strange. the bars have shadow. but no birds shadow.

booahboo said...

I really like this photo a lot. Its beautiful.. The lines.. the birds... perfect shot!

Kids... there are good ones and not so good ones. It all boils down to upbringing at home.

DSS said...

Isn't it refreshing to be reminded of the good kids out there? I often think that kids today haven't got any manners, or any respect. They have this self entitlement clause built in. But then I am shown that I'm wrong. Some of them still do have those good traings. And I don't mind being wrong one bit :)

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