Friday, July 22, 2011

Pretty pretty

Yesterday I said there were two things that I purchased at the grocery store last week. I showed you Duke's sign yesterday and today I'll show you something I bought for me.
Another pretty pretty something for my garden. Can you guess what it is?

Love the braided tree trunk. The top has some of these on it.

Here's a look at the whole thing. Pay no attention to the dusty dirty and downright filthy siding behind it. I may have to go out there with the hose this weekend. 
If you still don't know what it is, it's called a braided hibiscus. Now tell me, just exactly how much would you expect to pay for this plant? Yeah, me too. That's why when I saw the price was only $12.99 I decided that it would look really nice in my yard.


Sandee said...

It's beautiful and for $12.00 it looks fabulous in your yard. What an awesome deal.

Have a terrific day. My best to the little man of the house Duke. Oh wait you are both owned by him. Yeah that's it. :)

Out on the prairie said...

A nice find, I like that trunk also.

Catherine said...

That is a super cool plant and for $12.99 I totally would have bought it too!

Have a terrific weekend Ann!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

I have a hibiscus the exact same color, but mine is a bush and not the braided kind. The bugs are VERY hard on it's leaves though. It just started blooming this week... it loves the intense heat we have been having evidently.


Ginny Hartzler said...

It's beautiful!!! I have never seen a braided hibiscus, only the regular bushes. We have a braided wisteria tree that Phil made. Try as I might, I cannot see any dirt on your siding, it looks pristine!!! But maybe that is just compared to ours, which we never clean!

Lin said...

Does that live outside?? I wonder if it would be hearty here in Chicago. I don't recall seeing these in landscaping or gardens. Cool plant and even better bargain!

jeanlivingsimple said...

I love a bargain and you really found a great one! Yes...this is a very pretty plant/flower!

BeadedTail said...

I've never seen a braided hibiscus before but it's very pretty! What a great deal too! I wouldn't have thought it was an outside plant. I'll have to look into one!

Anonymous said...

I love hibiscus, tried to grow some in Alexandria VA and the poor things just died but then I can't grow ivy so....When we lived in the Bahamas hibiscus was was like a local weed they were so numerous and grew every where...

Reena said...

So pretty. I bought a regular hibiscus with yellow flowers! They are so gorgeous! But I have a bunny who has been eating it's branches ... must be tasty! Even had my little chipmunks eat the flowers!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a gorgeous plant.. I love hibiscus --and the braided ones are just gorgeous...

Have a good weekend.

J. M. P. said...

Bravo for your purchase, it looks pretty indeed. The second photo is brilliant, by the way.

Nessa said...

oh that's a Hibiscus, or Bunga Raya as it is known locally here. It also happens to be the national flower of Malaysia.

Marg said...

That really is a great deal. I would have bought that too. I love the hibiscus. I don't know if I have seen a braided one. Good job getting that. Have a great week end.

Grampy said...

It looks really good there Ann. I didn't even look at the siding. Have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

I don't believe I have ever seen anything like that before. Not that I have been looking all that much.

Ann said...

Beautiful and what a bargain! I love the braided trunk.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it has a really really beautiful flower on it. none of ours are like this. and that is a REAL STEAL for the price. amazing price in fact. you did good. now is Duke going to plant it for you

Erika said...

My parents grow hibiscus and plumeria (from hawaii) in their backyard. I love the large blooms. I really like how your trunk, on your new plant, is twisted.

Artful Rising

Duni said...

Oooh! Pretty! My mom has this plant, but it only flowered once - guess it's just too cold over here!

Donna said...

LOVE those bushes! Easy to grow as well...

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Nice find! I've never seen a braided one.

Helen said...

You sure always found great bargain! Can that plant stay outside during winter?

Unknown said...

I really love hibiscus we don't tend to get the flowers with the large stigmas over here. I don't think I have ever seen a plaited stem before - I hope that you will photograph it often so we can all see how it is growing and how the stem changes as it becomes older.
The colour of the flower is beautiful - a tropical fantasy .. your garden will be like stepping into a Disney film.

marie said...

Wow - $12.99 was a great deal! The photo of the braided trunk is pretty cool!

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