Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oh what a beautiful morning

Someone may need to explain the concept of sleeping in on ones day off. Monday through Friday I get up at 4:20 a.m. It's Saturday, and what time did I get up? I bet you're thinking 4:20. You would be wrong. I got up at 3:30 a.m. Not only did I wake up but I got out of bed, made some coffee and sat down at my computer to start catching up with my blog reading. After my first cup of coffee I took the laptop out on the deck and enjoyed the beautiful morning.

I watched my neighbor go out to burn papers before she headed off to work this morning. 

I watched the sky as it did it's morning magic.

And I said good bye to the moon.
 All caught up, I headed in the house to start some cleaning. I'm proud to report that once again my house looks presentable and all the laundry is done.
The rest of the day I spent hanging on the deck doing very little.


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Wow... I thought I was an early riser but not as early as you! I do love the mornings although many days I could use a nap in the afternoon if I'd like to make it through the evening. I enjoyed sharing the time with you through your photos.

Reeni said...

You were up before the birds! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sandee said...

I'm with you that morning is the very best of times. I love watching the world awake from a nights sleep. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm glad you got your housework done. A red letter day and that will make Sunday even sweeter.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Goodness, Hope you got a nice nap while sitting on your deck today. Sometimes it is nice to get up early and see the sun come up... I don't do it very often... ha


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! What a great day you had Ann. How about DUKE, what did he do all day? Also, why is your neighbor burning paper. In our town you can not have that kind a fire burning out in your backyard. Happy Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Ginny Hartzler said...

Loving the first picture, guess that says I'm a real computer junkie. You get up when I'm going to bed.

Donna said...

You sound like me! Once up, it's hard to go back to sleep...
LOVE the morning shots!
Glad to hear you got the laundry finished...I didn't!Hahaaa

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

I'm very impressed. Love the sequence of shots. I can't even function at those times unless I'm still up from the previous day.

BeadedTail said...

So that's what it looks like so early in the morning! LOL Actually, I'm up early most days (not that early though!) but I don't venture outside since it's too chilly. I would have been napping if I got up as early as you though.

Anonymous said...

Lovely start to the day...

Helen said...

You woke up 3:30 AM on a Saturday! I was just going to bed than. I like staying up late to play with my papers. Then up again at around 6 AM.

Great pictures as always!

Catherine said...

I totally get still getting up early on days off. If I sleep past 6 am, I feel like I have wasted half my day!!

Ummm.... your neighbour burning garbage makes me nervous. Is no one watching that? It's illegal to burn garbage here in most of Canada. Hopefully you had your garden hose handy!! :)

xo Catherine

tahtimbo said...

For a view like that, it's worth getting up early. When I was younger, I worked nights for over 7 years and I have to admit that one of my favorite parts was to see the sunrise. There is something magical about it.
I hope you have a very relaxing weekend!

Duni said...

I usually get up at 6.00 am every morning, but occasionally, like you, I get up really early. I love the peace and quiet and then hearing the first birdsong of the lovely.
Hope you get to relax the rest of the day!

Jen said...

Looks like I'm not the only one who has figured out that super early secret right outside the back door ;o)

Philippa said...

Great post, Ann! I can almost feel the quiet and calm of that early morning ... lovely!

Marg said...

I love to sit outside first thing in the morning. It is a little cooler and so peaceful and quiet. My favorite thing to do. That is one pretty sky. Hope you have a peaceful Sunday. Take care.

Grampy said...

Great pictures Ann. I bet it was nice and quiet and peaceful out there. Sorry you got up so early. I use to get up at 4:00am also. It is hard to sleep in after you have done that for a long while. It took me a long while to recover after I retired. Now I get up between five and six.

Unknown said...

Funny, there was no mention of you preparing bacon for that sweet, sweet little puppy, who lives only to bring joy to your heart. I thought we talked about this?

john bain said...

What a perfect day.

Out on the prairie said...

Sleeping i is past 6am for me, i love early mornings

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i enjoyed our morning coffee together, you did what i would do. i love early morning and think of all the beauty you would have missed if you slept in. the only thing i would have done different is go play in that fire and try to get close ups of FLAMES. whoo hooo where was Duke

Sheryl Hastings said...

It sounds like getting up early was a great experience! How peaceful. It's always nice to watch the sun come up. We were just taking about how by sleeping in until 8 this morning, we feel like we wasted half our morning!

Lin said...

AHA! Now I know how you get around to all those blogs each day!! Here I am, sleeping in 'til 5:30 during the week and 7:30 on the weekends!! Sheesh, I'm a slacker.

I love early mornings when nobody else is up--don't you?? I love the quiet.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

I was just turning over at that time in the morning! Sounds like an afternoon nap is on the schedule for today.

All the best, Katie

Doris Sturm said...

I have always enjoyed early mornings, but not like your kind of early ;-)

I love the stillness and the sounds of the day beginning - birds starting to chirp and all the neighbors are still quiet and everything's peaceful.

In this heat and humidity Gizzy and I set out early for our walks so we can beat the sun on the way home. Hope Duke's ok and enjoying your being at home ;-)

Bye for now,

a paper {life} said...

I saw your post yesterday but didn't have time to comment.

I totally know what you mean....I always wake up extra early on my days off {I guess I am excited to not have to get up so it wakes me up}.

Love the picture of your laptop at dawn...LOVE, LOVE the colours on your browser skin too.

DSS said...

EGADS! The photos are beautiful, but 3:30am?? I have trouble "sleeping in" anymore on the weekends, but can definitely make it until 9 :-o

Amazing what you see when you wake up early :)

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