Saturday, July 30, 2011

You've been enlisted

That's right, each and every one of you has been enlisted to help keep me motivated. The best part for you is that you really don't have to do anything different from what you are already doing. I'm going to post a daily progress report while I'm on vacation, of what I managed to accomplish towards my goal for the craft show. I'm hoping that rather than embarrass myself I will be pushing full steam ahead and getting things done.
Today I'' show you what I had as of this morning.
Is t hat not pitiful. I've known about this for how long now and all I've managed to finish was 6 tags, 4 magnets and 3 necklaces. To make matters worse, those tags were made about a year ago, long before I knew about this and I just decided to use them.
Obviously I have a lot of work to do.


Colleen said...

LOL! I've have been where you are...Your work is beautiful. I'm sure your craft show will be a tremendous success!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm convinced that now that you are on vacation, and have the time and motivation, you will be very productive!!!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Ann, You will be a huge hit at the Fair. Please don't worry. Trust me.:)

Chatty Crone said...

When is the craft sale?

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

The tags are lovely! Now get busy. What are you making next.

Helen said...

I really like the tags. It's great to get those unfinished craft items done, isn't it!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! OH ANN ... so LOVELY especially that DUKE magnet. You've been busy. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

The tags are wonderful and I love the blue necklace! Soldier On!!!

BeadedTail said...

I love the tags and the Duke magnet! :) Hope you gets lots accomplished this next week! Is it a one or two day craft show?

Lindsey Buck said...

How precious are those? I love the tags and necklaces best - I really hope to be able to get into crafting like this! I am so glad I came along this blog, so many lovely things.

Unknown said...

Lovey stuff. Good luck at the fair!

Thank you for your kind words on my Alphabe-Thursday post. You are my most faithful commenter!

Best wishes,
For the benefit of other readers:
Anna's Alphabe-Thursday Rd 3 - C

Pat said...

Pull your finger out, girl! ;)
that is, unless you want to go home early :lol:

Marg said...

Well that looks like a lot to me. You just need to get started and now since we are giving you report cards, you will get more done. We like all those neat things but would like a magnet with a cat on it please. Do you need a picture to do that?? Now all you gotta do is put prices on these crafts so we can buy them after the craft show. Take care.

Out on the prairie said...

Go Annie, go Annie, go ,go go.Lovely share

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good so we will be here to hold you accountable, like Crafters anonymous, only we are not anonymous. LOL
love the magnets. i thought they were little cards, so you could print the same things on small cards, as in thinking of you note cards. get crafting NOW. waiting to see what you post for today

Unknown said...

Never fear. Duke is there to save the day! Is that Underdog's theme I am hearing?

Sandee said...

Well September is just around the corner so you better get with it. If you vow to do so many of this or that each day until the show I think you'll do just fine. That's what I would do.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Bossy Betty said...

Hey! It's a start! You go, girl!

Christmas-etc... said...

You might not have too much yet, Anne...but it's all beautiful!
Blessings for busy fingers and much inspiration!

Daisy said...

Those tags are fabulous! How long does it take to make one of them?

Philippa said...

Not pitiful at all ... you'll be amazed by what you can achieve this coming week, I just know it!

Doris Sturm said...

Arts and crafts fairs are fun, but way to exhausting for me by myself...all the set up and lugging of boxes, then what if I have to go potty? As much as I enjoy talking to all the people, it's just too much for me anymore!

You'll have a good time and I know your inventory will grow if you stick to your goal!

Love what you have already - it's a good start! Hugs and kisses to little Duke ;-)

Greetings from
Doris and Gizzy

Sheryl Hastings said...

The tags are cute, very colorful. I think you should make more necklaces because they are super duper cute. I also remember you made an owl a while back. I think you should do something with that because it was so cute and owls are so popular right now.

Now get back to work!

Anne said...

You definitely still have a ways to go but I think they look great. I think the show will be fabulous. Just keep going.

marie said...

Oh wow! looks like you're makng great progress. I love the littel tag with the duck and, of course, Duke's photo card is so cute!

Catherine said...

Are you kidding me? These are fantastic ~ all of them. Sometimes it takes me all day to make one card. :(

You go girl!
xo Catherine

tahtimbo said...

That's a great start! I would definitely use items you have already made. It will take the pressure off :)
I know that you will do great at the show!

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