Monday, July 18, 2011

Saving Mother Earth part 1

So that I don't overload anyone on pictures today I'm breaking the Saving Mother Earth Powwow down into 2 maybe 3 posts.
Waiting for things to get started, I snapped a few pictures.

Before they could begin they needed to preform what they referred to as smudging. I don't know all the particulars because I couldn't hear the announcer very well but it consisted of waving smoke over each of the dancers. It had something to do with cleansing them of negative feelings. (Anyone who knows about native American traditions please feel free to correct me)

The dancers are lined up waiting their turn to be smudged.

Dancers waiting to enter the circle
This is where I had to shut my camera off. They requested that pictures not be taken during the grand entrance out of respect for the spiritual nature of the ceremony. The grand entrance was followed by a blessing, the flag dance which was their version of the national anthem and a veterans dance honoring all who have fought for our country as well as their families. When this was completed we could begin taking pictures again.
Tomorrow I'll bring pictures of some of the dancers


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So interesting! Love your photos.

Catherine said...

So many beautiful colors in your photos today Ann!

xo Catherine

Helen said...

I don't know anything about native American traditions but it seems we had a similar traditions. Where I came from, we always prayed and burn incense sticks before any ceremony.

Sandee said...

How fun. I would have loved to have attended this. Native Americans cared a great deal for mother earth.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Donna said...

You got it all right! Picture taking is frowned upon because you might accidentally capture their spirit...
LOVED this!! My Grandfather full blood Cherokee.

BeadedTail said...

I bet that was so interesting to see! I'm a smidgen Native American (Citizen Potawatomi Nation) but I don't know much about the traditions. As I get older, I value it more so hope to learn.

Marg said...

That must have so neat to see all of that. I had no idea that it was still done. Very interesting. The pictures are great. Have a good one.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay well this is new to me - but I'm open to learn.

I think the native Americans have a lot to teach us.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds so interesting.. I'm so glad you went, Ann... AND--thanks for taking pictures and explaining them to us.. Can't wait to see more.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Really good pictures!! The outfits look heavy and hot, though!

Reena said...

Interesting and colorful! But wouldn't want to wear those outfits on these hot days!

Anonymous said...

Such sharp precise photos - Love them. And smudging is used in many cultures for that same reason - to cleanse a person or place of negative energy - Sage is the preferred plant to use. I did it with this house when we moved in.

Unknown said...

What tribe are the Native American (aborigines) from? I think it is fascinating the amount of different crafts and useful knowledge that all aboriginal people know.
I remember being surprised when I first learnt that Pocahontas had lived for a while in England and is in fact buried over here. Such a long way from home and what adventure at a time when every journey took so long. I believe she came over to England in the early 1600's - so hard to imagine travelling that far on creaky wooden ships!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Ann, Well Done!
I love attending Pow-Wows since I have a good dose of Cherokee running though my veins. As already shared...smudging is a great way to clear negitive energy. I always feel better after a "smudging".
I will look forward to part 2!

allotments4you said...

Lovely pictures....I have many a time watched these sorts of dancers and every time it is always different.....I think their customs and beliefs give them an extraordinary peace with their lives.

Duni said...

Wonderful photos! I read about smudging on a spiritual site. I believe you can also "smudge" a new home to clear it of any negative energy.
Would have loved to see the dance!

Jen said...

We had one here and had a blast; haven't been in a long time (so I'll just go with you this time, virtually ;o)

Unknown said...

So far, so good!

Grampy said...

Great Pictures Ann. I love the PowWows.The smudging has been covered pretty well. The Wiccans also use it to get rid of any evil or negativity in the home.

Sheryl Hastings said...

Great pictures. Can't wait to see the rest. Looks like you had fun.

Out on the prairie said...

Looks like you had a fun time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you just showed me something else to add to my bucket list that i will never see. can't wait to see the rest of the photos and wish i were there to watch with you.

Anne said...

I think pagans use smudging as well. It removes negative energy. It looks like it was fascinating.

Audrey said...

Wonderful photo's!!
Can't wait to see part 2.

Looks like it was a beautiful day.

Doris Sturm said...

Great photos! This reminds me a lot of the Annual Cherokee Powwow I went to last year. Did they have booths with Indian jewelry, flutes, food, etc? I bet you had lots to see and learn!

booahboo said...

These are some really good shots Ann... it sure is a awesome event to attend. And the costumes.. are so beautiful. Glad you have had a good time.

Tammy said...

It sure looks fun. What a great day.

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